Quilkin Agent


For multi-cluster integration, Quilkin provides a agent service, that can be deployed to a cluster to act as a beacon for QCMP pings and forward cluster configuration information to a relay service.

Agent configuration sources matches that of the Management Server, such as Filesystem and Agones.

To view all options for the agent subcommand, run:

$ quilkin agent --help
Runs Quilkin as a relay service that runs a Manager Discovery Service (mDS) for accepting cluster and configuration information from xDS management services, and exposing it as a single merged xDS service for proxy services

Usage: quilkin agent [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  agones  Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints, and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration
  file    Watches for changes to the file located at `path`
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -q, --qcmp-port <QCMP_PORT>        Port for QCMP service [env: QCMP_PORT=] [default: 7600]
  -r, --relay <RELAY>                One or more `quilkin relay` endpoints to push configuration changes to [env: QUILKIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVER=]
      --region <REGION>              The `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_REGION=]
      --zone <ZONE>                  The `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_ZONE=]
      --sub-zone <SUB_ZONE>          The `sub_zone` in the `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_SUB_ZONE=]
      --address-type <ADDRESS_TYPE>  If specified, filters the available gameserver addresses to the one that matches the specified type
      --ip-kind <IP_KIND>            If specified, additionally filters the gameserver address by its ip kind [possible values: v4, v6, any]
  -i, --icao-code <ICAO_CODE>        The ICAO code for the agent [env: ICAO_CODE=] [default: XXXX]
  -h, --help                         Print help


The simplest version of the agent service is just running quilkin agent, this will setup just the QCMP service allowing the agent to be pinged for measuring round-time-trips (RTT).

quilkin agent

To run an agent with the relay (see relay quickstart for more information), you just need to specify the relay endpoint with the --relay flag and provide a configuration discovery provider such as a configuration file or Agones.

quilkin --admin-adress http://localhost:8001 agent --relay http://localhost:7900 file quilkin.yaml

Now if we run cURL on both the relay and the control plane we should see that they both contain the same set of endpoints.

# Check Agent
curl localhost:8001/config
# Check Relay
curl localhost:8000/config