Quickstart: Quilkin with Agones and Xonotic (xDS)


1. Overview

In this quickstart, we'll be setting up an example Xonotic Agones Fleet, that will only be accessible through Quilkin that is hosted within the same cluster, utilising the TokenRouter Filter to provide routing and access control to the Allocated GameServer instances.

To do this, we'll take advantage of the Quilkin Agones xDS Provider to provide an out-of-the-box control plane for integration between Agones and Quilkin's xDS configuration API with minimal effort.

2. Install Quilkin Agones xDS Provider

To install Quilkin as an Agones integrated xDS control plane, we can create a deployment of Quilkin running as quilkin manage agones, with the appropriate permissions.

Run the following:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/xds-control-plane.yaml

This applies several resources to your cluster:

  1. A ConfigMap with a Capture and TokenRouter Filter set up to route packets to Endpoints, to be the base configuration for all the Quilkin proxies.
  2. Appropriate RBAC permissions for the quilkin manage agones process to inspect Agones resources.
  3. A matching Deployment that runs the quilkin manage process xDS control plane and a Service that the Quilkin proxies can connect to, to get their Filter and Endpoint configuration from.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pod for the Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones-54b787654-9dbvp   1/1     Running   0          76s

We can now run kubectl get service quilkin-manage-agones and see the service that is generated in front of the above Deployment for our Quilkin proxies to connect to and receive their configuration information from.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-manage-agones
NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    1m23s

3. Install Quilkin Proxy Pool

To install the Quilkin Proxy pool which connects to the above xDS provider, we can create a Deployment of Quilkin proxy instances that point to the aforementioned Service, like so:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/proxy-pool.yaml

This will set up three instances of Quilkin running as quilkin proxy --management-server http://quilkin-manage-agones:80 all connected to the quilkin-manage-agones service.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pods for the proxy Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones-54b787654-9dbvp   1/1     Running   0          5m7s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-dqvjg        1/1     Running   0          6s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-fr6zs        1/1     Running   0          6s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-m4rr7        1/1     Running   0          6s

Let's take this one step further, and check the configuration of the proxies that should have come from the quilkin manage agones instance.

In another terminal, run: kubectl port-forward deployments/quilkin-proxies 8001:8000, to port forward the admin endpoint locally to port 8001, which we can then query.

Go back to your original terminal and run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config

If you have jq installed, run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq for a nicely formatted JSON output.

$ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [],
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

This shows us the current configuration of the proxies coming from the xDS server created via quilkin manage agones. The most interesting part that we see here, is that we have a matching set of Filters that are found in the ConfigMap in the xds-control-plane.yaml we installed earlier.

4. Create the Agones Fleet

Now we will create an Agones Fleet to spin up all our Xonotic game servers.

Thankfully, Agones Fleets require no specific configuration to work with Quilkin proxies, so this yaml is a standard Agones Fleet configuration

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/fleet.yaml

Run kubectl get gameservers until all the GameServer records show that they are Ready and able to take players.

$ kubectl get gameservers
NAME                  STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q   Ready   7226   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s
xonotic-d7rfx-nx7xr   Ready   7984   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s
xonotic-d7rfx-sn5d6   Ready   7036   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s

5. Allocate a GameServer

To let the Quilkin xDS provider know what token will route to which GameServer we need to apply the quilkin.dev/tokens annotation to an allocated GameServer, with the token content as its value.

This token would normally get generated by some kind of player authentication service and passed to the client via the matchmaking service - but for demonstrative purposes, we've hardcoded it into the example GameServerAllocation.

Since you can add annotations to GameServers at allocation time, we can both allocate a GameServer and apply the annotation at the same time!

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/gameserverallocation.yaml

If we check our GameServers now, we should see that one of them has moved to the Allocated state, marking it as having players playing on it, and therefore it is protected by Agones until the game session ends.

$ kubectl get gs
NAME                  STATE       ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q   Allocated   7226   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m
xonotic-d7rfx-nx7xr   Ready   7984   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m
xonotic-d7rfx-sn5d6   Ready   7036   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m

Don't do this more than once, as then multiple allocated GameServers will have the same routing token!

If we kubectl describe gameserver <allocated-gameserver> and have a look at the annotations section, we should see something similar to this:

$ kubectl describe gameserver xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q
Name:         xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q
Namespace:    default
Labels:       agones.dev/fleet=xonotic
Annotations:  agones.dev/last-allocated: 2022-12-19T22:59:22.099818298Z
              agones.dev/ready-container-id: containerd://7b3d9e9dbda6f2e0381df7669f6117bf3e54171469cfacbce2670605a61ce4b8
              agones.dev/sdk-version: 1.40.0
              quilkin.dev/tokens: NDU2
API Version:  agones.dev/v1
Kind:         GameServer

Where we can see that there is now an annotation of quilkin.dev/tokens with the base64 encoded version of 456 as our authentication and routing token ("NDU2").

You should use something more cryptographically random than 456 in your application.

Let's run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config again, so we can see what has changed!

❯ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [
          "address": "",
          "metadata": {
            "quilkin.dev": {
              "tokens": [
            "name": "xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d"
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

Looking under clusters > endpoints we can see an address and token that matches up with the GameServer record we created above!

The xDS process saw that allocated GameServer, turned it into a Quilkin Endpoint and applied the set the routing token appropriately -- without you having to write a line of xDS compliant code!

Connecting Client Side

Instead of connecting to Xonotic or an Agones GameServer directly, we'll want to grab the IP and exposed port of the Service that fronts all our Quilkin proxies and connect to that instead -- but we'll have to append our routing token 456 from before, to ensure our traffic gets routed to the correct Xonotic GameServer address.

Run kubectl get service quilkin-proxies to get the EXTERNAL-IP of the Service you created.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-proxies
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
quilkin-proxies   LoadBalancer    7777:30174/UDP   3h22m

We have a Quilkin config yaml file all ready for you, that is configured to append the routing token 456 to each packet that passes through it, via the power of a Concatenate Filter.

Download client-token.yaml locally, so you can edit it:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/client-token.yaml --output client-token.yaml

We then take the EXTERNAL-IP and port from the quilkin-proxies service, and replace the${LOADBALANCER_IP} with it in client-token.yaml.

Run this edited configuration locally with your quilkin binary as quilkin -c ./client-token.yaml proxy:

$ ./quilkin --config ./client-token.yaml proxy
2023-10-04T20:09:07.320780Z  INFO quilkin::cli: src/cli.rs: Starting Quilkin version="0.7.0-dev" commit="d42db7e14c2e0e758e9a6eb655ccf4184941066c"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.321711Z  INFO quilkin::admin: src/admin.rs: Starting admin endpoint address=[::]:8000
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322089Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Starting port=7777 proxy_id="markmandel45"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322576Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Quilkin is ready
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322692Z  INFO qcmp_task{v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600}: quilkin::protocol: src/protocol.rs: awaiting qcmp packets v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600

Now connect to the local client proxy on "[::1]:7777" via the "Multiplayer > Address" field in the Xonotic client, and Quilkin will take care of appending the routing token to all your UDP packets, which the Quilkin proxies will route to the Allocated GameServer, and you can play a gamee!


...And you didn't have to change the client or the dedicated game server 🤸

What's Next?