
Quilkin is a UDP proxy, specifically designed for use with multiplayer dedicated game servers.

What is Quilkin?

Quilkin on open source is a non-transparent UDP proxy specifically designed for use with large scale multiplayer dedicated game servers deployments, to ensure security, access control, telemetry data, metrics and more.

It is designed to be used behind game clients as well as in front of dedicated game servers.

Quilkin's aim is to pull the above functionality out of bespoke, monolithic dedicated game servers and clients, and provide standard, composable modules that can be reused across a wide set of multiplayer games, so that game developers can instead focus on their game specific aspects of building a multiplayer game.

Why use Quilkin?

Some of Quilkin's advantages:

  • Lower development and operational costs for securing, monitoring and making reliable multiplayer game servers and their communications.
  • Provide entry-point redundancy for your game clients to connect to - making it much harder to take down your game servers.
  • Multiple integration patterns, allowing you to choose the level of integration that makes sense for your architecture.
  • Remove non-game specific computation out of your game server's processing loop - and save that precious CPU for your game simulation!

Major Features

Quilkin incorporates these abilities:

  • Non-transparent proxying of UDP data, the internal state of your game architecture is not visible to bad actors.
  • Out of the box metrics for UDP packet information.
  • Composable tools for access control and security.
  • Able to be utilised as a standalone binary, with no client/server changes required or as a Rust library depending on how deep an integration you wish for your system.
  • Integration with Game Server hosting platforms such as Agones.
  • Can be integrated with C/C++ code bases via FFI.

What Next?

Quilkin provides a variety of different services depending on your use-case. The primary service is proxy, which runs a reverse UDP proxy. To see a basic usage of the command-line interface run through the netcat with Quilkin quickstart.

For more advanced usage, you might also be interested in:

$ quilkin --help
The Command-Line Interface for Quilkin

Usage: quilkin [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  agent                   Runs Quilkin as a relay service that runs a Manager Discovery Service (mDS) for accepting cluster and configuration information from xDS management services, and exposing it as a single merged xDS service for proxy services
  generate-config-schema  Generates JSON schema files for known filters
  manage                  Runs Quilkin as a xDS management server, using `provider` as a configuration source
  proxy                   Run Quilkin as a UDP reverse proxy
  relay                   Runs Quilkin as a relay service that runs a Manager Discovery Service (mDS) for accepting cluster and configuration information from xDS management services, and exposing it as a single merged xDS service for proxy services
  help                    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --no-admin                       Whether to spawn the admin server or not [env: NO_ADMIN=]
  -c, --config <CONFIG>                The path to the configuration file for the Quilkin instance [env: QUILKIN_CONFIG=] [default: quilkin.yaml]
      --admin-address <ADMIN_ADDRESS>  The port to bind for the admin server [env: QUILKIN_ADMIN_ADDRESS=]
  -q, --quiet                          Whether Quilkin will report any results to stdout/stderr [env: QUIET=]
      --log-format <LOG_FORMAT>        [default: auto] [possible values: auto, json, plain, pretty]
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version


There are variety of automated and manual methods for installing Quilkin onto your system. For cloud deployments Quilkin provides a container image to make it easily to immediately start using it. You can also install Quilkin on your local machine through Cargo.


OCI Image

Source / Method
Pre-built Quilkin binary with no preset arguments


Source / Method
cargo install quilkin
Compiled from source using cargo


Source / Method

GitHub Releases

Pre-built binaries for manual installation


Just how fast is Quilkin? What sort of performance can I expect?

Our current testing shows that on Quilkin shows that it process packets quite fast!

We won't be publishing performance benchmarks, as performance will always change depending on the underlying hardware, number of filters, configurations and more.

We highly recommend you run your own load tests on your platform and configuration, matching your production workload and configuration as close as possible.

Our iperf3 based performance test in the examples' folder is a good starting point.

Since this is still an alpha project, we have plans on investigating further performance improvements in upcoming releases, both from an optimisation and observability perspective as well.

Can I integrate Quilkin with C++ code?

Quilkin is also released as a library so it can be integrated with an external codebase as necessary.

Using Rust code inside a C or C++ project mostly consists of two parts.

  • Creating a C-friendly API in Rust
  • Embedding your Rust project into an external build system

See A little Rust with your C for more information.

Over time, we will be expanding documentation on how to integrate with specific engines if running Quilkin as a separate binary is not an option.

I would like to run Quilkin as a client side proxy on a console? Can I do that?

This is an ongoing discussion, and since console development is protected by non-disclosure agreements, we can't comment on this directly.

That being said, we have an Unreal Engine for games in circumstances where compiling Rust or providing a separate Quilkin binary as an executable is not an option.

Any reason you didn't contribute this into/extend Envoy?

This is an excellent question! Envoy is an amazing project, and has set many of the standards for how proxies are written and orchestrated, and was an inspiration for many of the decisions made on Quilkin.

However, we decided to build this project separately:

  • Envoy seems primarily focused on web/mobile network workloads (which makes total sense), whereas we wanted something specialised on gaming UDP communication, so having a leaner, more focused codebase would allow us to move faster.
  • We found the Rust and Cargo ecosystem easier to work with than Bazel and C++, and figured our users would as well.

Quickstart: Quilkin with netcat


1. Start an udp echo service

So that we have a target for sending UDP packets to, let's use ncat to create a simple UDP echo process.

To do this run:

ncat -e $(which cat) -k -u -l 8080

This routes all UDP packets that ncat receives to the local cat process, which echoes it back.

2. Start Quilkin

Next let's configure Quilkin in proxy mode, with a static configuration that points at the UDP echo service we just started.

quilkin proxy --to

This configuration will start Quilkin on the default proxy port, and it will redirect all incoming UDP traffic to a single endpoint of, port 8080.

You should see an output like the following:

{"timestamp":"2023-01-19T10:16:23.399277Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Starting Quilkin","version":"0.6
{"timestamp":"2023-01-19T10:16:23.399771Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Starting admin endpoint","addres
{"timestamp":"2023-01-19T10:16:23.401192Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Quilkin is ready"},"target":"qui

3. Send a packet

In (yet 😃) another shell, let's use netcat to send an udp packet.

Run the following to connect netcat to Quilkin's receiving port of 7000 via UDP (-u):

nc -u 7777

Type the word "test" and hit enter, you should see it echoed back to you like so:

nc -u 7777

Feel free to send even more packets, as many as you would like 👍.

Congratulations! You have successfully routed a UDP packet and back again with Quilkin!

What's next?

Quickstart: Quilkin with Agones and Xonotic (Sidecar)


1. Agones Fleet with Quilkin

In this step, we're going to set up a Xonotic dedicated game server, with Quilkin running as a sidecar, which will give us access to all the metrics that Quilkin provides.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-sidecar/sidecar.yaml

This applies two resources to your cluster:

  1. A Kubernetes ConfigMap with a basic Quilkin static configuration.
  2. An Agones Fleet specification with Quilkin running as a sidecar to Xonotic, such that it can process all the UDP traffic and pass it to the Xonotic dedicated game server.

Now you can run kubectl get gameservers until all your Agones GameServers are marked as Ready like so:

$ kubectl get gameservers
NAME                          STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                                    AGE
xonotic-sidecar-htc2x-84mzm   Ready   7533   gke-agones-default-pool-0f7d8adc-7w3c   7m25s
xonotic-sidecar-htc2x-sdp4k   Ready   7599   gke-agones-default-pool-0f7d8adc-7w3c   7m25s

2. Play Xonotic!

Usually with Agones you would Allocate a GameServer, but we'll skip this step for this example.

Choose one of the listed GameServers from the previous step, and connect to the IP and port of the Xonotic server via the "Multiplayer > Address" field in the Xonotic client in the format of {IP}:{PORT}.


You should now be playing a game of Xonotic against 4 bots!

3. Check out the metrics

Let's take a look at some metrics that Quilkin outputs.

Grab the name of the GameServer you connected to before, and replace the ${gameserver} value below, and run the command. This will forward the admin interface to localhost.

kubectl port-forward ${gameserver} 8000

Then open a browser to http://localhost:8000/metrics to see the Prometheus metrics that Quilkin exports.

5. Cleanup

Run the following to delete the Fleet and the accompanying ConfigMap:

kubectl delete -f  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-sidecar/sidecar.yaml

6. Agones Fleet, but with Compression

Let's take this one step further and compress the data between the Xonotic client and the server, without having to change either of them!

Let's create a new Xonotic Fleet on our Agones cluster, but this time configured such that Quilkin will decompress packets that are incoming.

Run the following:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-sidecar/sidecar-compress.yaml

This will implement the Compress filter in our Quilkin sidecar proxy in our new Fleet.

Now you can run kubectl get gameservers until all your Agones GameServers are marked as Ready like so:

$ kubectl get gameservers
NAME                                   STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                                    AGE
xonotic-sidecar-compress-htc2x-84mzm   Ready   7534   gke-agones-default-pool-0f7d8adc-7w3c   7m25s
xonotic-sidecar-compress-htc2x-sdp4k   Ready   7592   gke-agones-default-pool-0f7d8adc-7w3c   7m25s

4. Play Xonotic, through Quilkin

What we will do in this step, is run Quilkin locally as a client-side proxy to compress the UDP data before it is sent up to our Xonotic servers that are expecting compressed data.

First, grab a copy of the Quilkin configuration client-compress.yaml locally. This has the Compress filter already configured, but we need to fill in the address to connect to.

Rather than editing a file, this could also be sent through the xDS API, but it is easier to demonstrate this functionality through a static configuration.

Instead of connecting Xonotic directly, take the IP and port from one of the Agones hosted GameServer records, and replace the ${GAMESERVER_IP} and ${GAMESERVER_PORT} values in your copy of client-compress.yaml.

Run this configuration locally as:

quilkin -c ./client-compress.yaml proxy

Now we can connect to the local client proxy on "" via the "Multiplayer > Address" field in the Xonotic client, and Quilkin will take care of compressing the data for you without having to change the game client!

Congratulations! You are now using Quilkin to manipulate the game client to server connection, without having to edit either!

7. Cleanup

Run the following to delete the Fleet and the accompanying ConfigMap:

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-sidecar/sidecar-compress.yaml

What's Next?

  • Have a look at the examples folder for configuration and usage examples.

Quickstart: Quilkin with Agones and Xonotic (xDS)


1. Overview

In this quickstart, we'll be setting up an example Xonotic Agones Fleet, that will only be accessible through Quilkin that is hosted within the same cluster, utilising the TokenRouter Filter to provide routing and access control to the Allocated GameServer instances.

To do this, we'll take advantage of the Quilkin Agones xDS Provider to provide an out-of-the-box control plane for integration between Agones and Quilkin's xDS configuration API with minimal effort.

2. Install Quilkin Agones xDS Provider

To install Quilkin as an Agones integrated xDS control plane, we can create a deployment of Quilkin running as quilkin manage agones, with the appropriate permissions.

Run the following:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/xds-control-plane.yaml

This applies several resources to your cluster:

  1. A ConfigMap with a Capture and TokenRouter Filter set up to route packets to Endpoints, to be the base configuration for all the Quilkin proxies.
  2. Appropriate RBAC permissions for the quilkin manage agones process to inspect Agones resources.
  3. A matching Deployment that runs the quilkin manage process xDS control plane and a Service that the Quilkin proxies can connect to, to get their Filter and Endpoint configuration from.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pod for the Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones-54b787654-9dbvp   1/1     Running   0          76s

We can now run kubectl get service quilkin-manage-agones and see the service that is generated in front of the above Deployment for our Quilkin proxies to connect to and receive their configuration information from.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-manage-agones
NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    1m23s

3. Install Quilkin Proxy Pool

To install the Quilkin Proxy pool which connects to the above xDS provider, we can create a Deployment of Quilkin proxy instances that point to the aforementioned Service, like so:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/proxy-pool.yaml

This will set up three instances of Quilkin running as quilkin proxy --management-server http://quilkin-manage-agones:80 all connected to the quilkin-manage-agones service.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pods for the proxy Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-manage-agones-54b787654-9dbvp   1/1     Running   0          5m7s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-dqvjg        1/1     Running   0          6s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-fr6zs        1/1     Running   0          6s
quilkin-proxies-78965c446d-m4rr7        1/1     Running   0          6s

Let's take this one step further, and check the configuration of the proxies that should have come from the quilkin manage agones instance.

In another terminal, run: kubectl port-forward deployments/quilkin-proxies 8001:8000, to port forward the admin endpoint locally to port 8001, which we can then query.

Go back to your original terminal and run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config

If you have jq installed, run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq for a nicely formatted JSON output.

$ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [],
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

This shows us the current configuration of the proxies coming from the xDS server created via quilkin manage agones. The most interesting part that we see here, is that we have a matching set of Filters that are found in the ConfigMap in the xds-control-plane.yaml we installed earlier.

4. Create the Agones Fleet

Now we will create an Agones Fleet to spin up all our Xonotic game servers.

Thankfully, Agones Fleets require no specific configuration to work with Quilkin proxies, so this yaml is a standard Agones Fleet configuration

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/fleet.yaml

Run kubectl get gameservers until all the GameServer records show that they are Ready and able to take players.

$ kubectl get gameservers
NAME                  STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q   Ready   7226   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s
xonotic-d7rfx-nx7xr   Ready   7984   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s
xonotic-d7rfx-sn5d6   Ready   7036   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   34s

5. Allocate a GameServer

To let the Quilkin xDS provider know what token will route to which GameServer we need to apply the quilkin.dev/tokens annotation to an allocated GameServer, with the token content as its value.

This token would normally get generated by some kind of player authentication service and passed to the client via the matchmaking service - but for demonstrative purposes, we've hardcoded it into the example GameServerAllocation.

Since you can add annotations to GameServers at allocation time, we can both allocate a GameServer and apply the annotation at the same time!

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/gameserverallocation.yaml

If we check our GameServers now, we should see that one of them has moved to the Allocated state, marking it as having players playing on it, and therefore it is protected by Agones until the game session ends.

$ kubectl get gs
NAME                  STATE       ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q   Allocated   7226   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m
xonotic-d7rfx-nx7xr   Ready   7984   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m
xonotic-d7rfx-sn5d6   Ready   7036   gke-agones-default-534a3f8d-ifpc   23m

Don't do this more than once, as then multiple allocated GameServers will have the same routing token!

If we kubectl describe gameserver <allocated-gameserver> and have a look at the annotations section, we should see something similar to this:

$ kubectl describe gameserver xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q
Name:         xonotic-d7rfx-55j7q
Namespace:    default
Labels:       agones.dev/fleet=xonotic
Annotations:  agones.dev/last-allocated: 2022-12-19T22:59:22.099818298Z
              agones.dev/ready-container-id: containerd://7b3d9e9dbda6f2e0381df7669f6117bf3e54171469cfacbce2670605a61ce4b8
              agones.dev/sdk-version: 1.40.0
              quilkin.dev/tokens: NDU2
API Version:  agones.dev/v1
Kind:         GameServer

Where we can see that there is now an annotation of quilkin.dev/tokens with the base64 encoded version of 456 as our authentication and routing token ("NDU2").

You should use something more cryptographically random than 456 in your application.

Let's run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config again, so we can see what has changed!

❯ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [
          "address": "",
          "metadata": {
            "quilkin.dev": {
              "tokens": [
            "name": "xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d"
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

Looking under clusters > endpoints we can see an address and token that matches up with the GameServer record we created above!

The xDS process saw that allocated GameServer, turned it into a Quilkin Endpoint and applied the set the routing token appropriately -- without you having to write a line of xDS compliant code!

Connecting Client Side

Instead of connecting to Xonotic or an Agones GameServer directly, we'll want to grab the IP and exposed port of the Service that fronts all our Quilkin proxies and connect to that instead -- but we'll have to append our routing token 456 from before, to ensure our traffic gets routed to the correct Xonotic GameServer address.

Run kubectl get service quilkin-proxies to get the EXTERNAL-IP of the Service you created.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-proxies
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
quilkin-proxies   LoadBalancer    7777:30174/UDP   3h22m

We have a Quilkin config yaml file all ready for you, that is configured to append the routing token 456 to each packet that passes through it, via the power of a Concatenate Filter.

Download client-token.yaml locally, so you can edit it:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-xds/client-token.yaml --output client-token.yaml

We then take the EXTERNAL-IP and port from the quilkin-proxies service, and replace the${LOADBALANCER_IP} with it in client-token.yaml.

Run this edited configuration locally with your quilkin binary as quilkin -c ./client-token.yaml proxy:

$ ./quilkin --config ./client-token.yaml proxy
2023-10-04T20:09:07.320780Z  INFO quilkin::cli: src/cli.rs: Starting Quilkin version="0.7.0-dev" commit="d42db7e14c2e0e758e9a6eb655ccf4184941066c"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.321711Z  INFO quilkin::admin: src/admin.rs: Starting admin endpoint address=[::]:8000
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322089Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Starting port=7777 proxy_id="markmandel45"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322576Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Quilkin is ready
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322692Z  INFO qcmp_task{v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600}: quilkin::protocol: src/protocol.rs: awaiting qcmp packets v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600

Now connect to the local client proxy on "[::1]:7777" via the "Multiplayer > Address" field in the Xonotic client, and Quilkin will take care of appending the routing token to all your UDP packets, which the Quilkin proxies will route to the Allocated GameServer, and you can play a gamee!


...And you didn't have to change the client or the dedicated game server 🤸

What's Next?

Quickstart: Quilkin with Agones and Xonotic (Relay)


1. Overview

In this quickstart, we'll be setting up an example multi-cluster Xonotic Agones Fleet, that will only be accessible through Quilkin, via utilising the TokenRouter Filter to provide routing and access control to the Allocated GameServer instances.

To do this, we'll take advantage of the Quilkin Relay to provide an out-of-the-box multi-cluster xDS control plane, and the Agones Agent to send information from the cluster(s) to the relay, which can be used as a management server for each of the Quilkin Proxy instances.

While the application of quilkin relay is to ultimately provide a solution where multiple clusters feed configuration information into a single relay endpoint via a quilkin agent, in this example we'll use a single cluster for demonstrative purposes.

2. Install Quilkin Relay and Agones Agent

To install Quilkin as an Agones integrated relay control plane, we can create a deployment of Quilkin running as quilkin relay with a corresponding Agones agent, quilkin agent agones, with the appropriate permissions.

Run the following:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-relay/relay-control-plane.yaml

This applies several resources to your cluster:

  1. A ConfigMap with a Capture and TokenRouter Filter set up to route packets to Endpoints, to be the base configuration for all the Quilkin proxies.
  2. Appropriate RBAC permissions for the quilkin agent agones process to inspect Agones resources.
  3. A Deployment that runs the quilkin relay process, a matching Deployment for the quilkin agent process and a Service that the Quilkin agents can send configuration information to, and the Proxies can connect to, to get their Filter and Endpoint configuration from.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pod for the Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-agones-agent-9dd6699bd-qh7cq    1/1     Running   0          6s
quilkin-relay-agones-55fbd69f5d-cdh9k   1/1     Running   0          6s

We can now run kubectl get service quilkin-relay-agones and see the service that is generated in front of the above Quilkin Relay Deployment for our Quilkin Proxies to connect to and receive their configuration information from.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-relay-agones
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
quilkin-relay-agones   ClusterIP   <none>        7800/TCP,7900/TCP   57s

3. Install Quilkin Proxy Pool

To install the Quilkin Proxy pool which connects to the above Relay xDS provider, we can create a Deployment of Quilkin proxy instances that point to the aforementioned Service, like so:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-relay/proxy-pool.yaml

This will set up three instances of Quilkin running as quilkin proxy --management-server http://quilkin-relay-agones:7900 all of which are connected to the quilkin-relay-agones service.

Now we can run kubectl get pods until we see that the Pods for the proxy Deployment is up and running.

$ kubectl get pods                  
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
quilkin-agones-agent-9dd6699bd-5brzf    1/1     Running   0          18s
quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-5mz4l        1/1     Running   0          7s
quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59        1/1     Running   0          7s
quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-vwn2f        1/1     Running   0          7s
quilkin-relay-agones-55fbd69f5d-k2n7b   1/1     Running   0          18s

Let's take this one step further, and check the configuration of the proxies that should have come from the quilkin agent agones instance and passed through the quilkin relay instance into each of the proxies.

In another terminal, run: kubectl port-forward deployments/quilkin-proxies 8001:8000, to port forward the admin endpoint locally to port 8001, which we can then query.

Go back to your original terminal and run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config

If you have jq installed, run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq for a nicely formatted JSON output.

$ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [],
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

This shows us the current configuration of the proxies coming from the xDS server created via quilkin agent agones. The most interesting part that we see here, is that we have a matching set of Filters that are found in the ConfigMap in the relay-control-plane.yaml we installed earlier.

4. Create the Agones Fleet

Now we will create an Agones Fleet to spin up all our Xonotic game servers.

Thankfully, Agones Fleets require no specific configuration to work with Quilkin proxies, so this yaml is a standard Agones Fleet configuration

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-relay/fleet.yaml

Run kubectl get gameservers until all the GameServer records show that they are Ready and able to take players.

$ kubectl get gs
NAME                  STATE       ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d   Ready   7015   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   1m
xonotic-8ns7b-hrc8j   Ready   7298   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   1m
xonotic-8ns7b-mldg6   Ready   7558   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   1m

5. Allocate a GameServer

To let the Quilkin Agones Agent know what token will route to which GameServer we need to apply the quilkin.dev/tokens annotation to an allocated GameServer, with the token content as its value.

This token would normally get generated by some kind of player authentication service and passed to the client via the matchmaking service - but for demonstrative purposes, we've hardcoded it into the example GameServerAllocation.

Since you can add annotations to GameServers at allocation time, we can both allocate a GameServer and apply the annotation at the same time!

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-relay/gameserverallocation.yaml

If we check our GameServers now, we should see that one of them has moved to the Allocated state, marking it as having players playing on it, and therefore it is protected by Agones until the game session ends.

$ kubectl get gs
NAME                  STATE       ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                               AGE
xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d   Allocated   7015   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   17m
xonotic-8ns7b-hrc8j   Ready   7298   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   17m
xonotic-8ns7b-mldg6   Ready   7558   gke-agones-default-ad8cd7e5-3b12   17m

Don't do this more than once, as then multiple allocated GameServers will have the same routing token!

If we kubectl describe gameserver <allocated-gameserver> and have a look at the annotations section, we should see something similar to this:

❯ kubectl describe gs xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d
Name:         xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d
Namespace:    default
Labels:       agones.dev/fleet=xonotic
Annotations:  agones.dev/last-allocated: 2023-10-04T19:47:04.047026419Z
              agones.dev/ready-container-id: containerd://b39d30965becdbc40336fd9aa642fe776421553615f642dd599e1b0d88c505b6
              agones.dev/sdk-version: 1.40.0
              quilkin.dev/tokens: NDU2
API Version:  agones.dev/v1
Kind:         GameServer

Where we can see that there is now an annotation of quilkin.dev/tokens with the base64 encoded version of 456 as our authentication and routing token ("NDU2").

You should use something more cryptographically random than 456 in your application.

Let's run curl -s http://localhost:8001/config again, so we can see what has changed!

❯ curl -s http://localhost:8001/config | jq
  "clusters": [
      "endpoints": [
          "address": "",
          "metadata": {
            "quilkin.dev": {
              "tokens": [
            "name": "xonotic-8ns7b-2lk5d"
      "locality": null
  "filters": [
      "name": "quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture",
      "label": null,
      "config": {
        "metadataKey": "quilkin.dev/capture",
        "suffix": {
          "size": 3,
          "remove": true
      "name": "quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter",
      "label": null,
      "config": null
  "id": "quilkin-proxies-7d9bbbccdf-9vd59",
  "version": "v1alpha1"

Looking under clusters > endpoints we can see an address and token that matches up with the GameServer record we created above!

The Agones agent process saw that allocated GameServer, turned it into a Quilkin Endpoint and applied the set routing token appropriately -- without you having to write a line of xDS compliant code!

Connecting Client Side

Instead of connecting to Xonotic or an Agones GameServer directly, we'll want to grab the IP and exposed port of the Service that fronts all our Quilkin proxies and connect to that instead -- but we'll have to append our routing token 456 from before, to ensure our traffic gets routed to the correct Xonotic GameServer address.

Run kubectl get service quilkin-proxies to get the EXTERNAL-IP of the Service you created.

$ kubectl get service quilkin-proxies
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
quilkin-proxies   LoadBalancer    7777:30174/UDP   3h22m

We have a Quilkin config yaml file all ready for you, that is configured to append the routing token 456 to each packet that passes through it, via the power of a Concatenate Filter.

Download client-token.yaml locally, so you can edit it:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/quilkin/v0.9.0/examples/agones-xonotic-relay/client-token.yaml --output client-token.yaml  

We then take the EXTERNAL-IP and port from the quilkin-proxies service, and replace the${LOADBALANCER_IP} with it in client-token.yaml.

Run this edited configuration locally with your quilkin binary as quilkin -c ./client-token.yaml proxy:

$ ./quilkin --config ./client-token.yaml proxy
2023-10-04T20:09:07.320780Z  INFO quilkin::cli: src/cli.rs: Starting Quilkin version="0.7.0-dev" commit="d42db7e14c2e0e758e9a6eb655ccf4184941066c"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.321711Z  INFO quilkin::admin: src/admin.rs: Starting admin endpoint address=[::]:8000
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322089Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Starting port=7777 proxy_id="markmandel45"
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322576Z  INFO quilkin::cli::proxy: src/cli/proxy.rs: Quilkin is ready
2023-10-04T20:09:07.322692Z  INFO qcmp_task{v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600}: quilkin::protocol: src/protocol.rs: awaiting qcmp packets v4_addr= v6_addr=[::]:7600

Now connect to the local client proxy on "[::1]:7777" via the "Multiplayer > Address" field in the Xonotic client, and Quilkin will take care of appending the routing token to all your UDP packets, which the Quilkin proxies will route to the Allocated GameServer, and you can play a gamee!


...And you didn't have to change the client or the dedicated game server 🤸

What's Next?


Proxy7777UDP (IPv4 OR IPv6)
QCMP7600UDP (IPv4 OR IPv6)

"Proxy" is the primary Quilkin service, which acts as a non-transparent UDP proxy.

To view all the options for the proxy subcommand, run:

$ quilkin proxy --help
thread 'main' panicked at /home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/clap_builder-4.5.13/src/builder/debug_asserts.rs:112:17:
Command proxy: Short option names must be unique for each argument, but '-t' is in use by both 'to' and 'to_tokens'
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


An Endpoint represents an address that Quilkin forwards packets to that it has received from the source port.

It is represented by an IP address and port. An Endpoint can optionally be associated with an arbitrary set of metadata as well.

Proxy Filters

Filters are the way for a Quilkin proxy to intercept UDP packet traffic from the source and Endpoints in either direction, and be able to inspect, manipulate, and route the packets as desired.

See Filters for a deeper dive into Filters, as well as the list of build in Filters that come with Quilkin.

Endpoint Metadata

Endpoint metadata is an arbitrary set of key value pairs that are associated with an Endpoint.

These are visible to Filters when processing packets and can be used to provide more context about endpoints (e.g whether or not to route a packet to an endpoint). Keys must be of type string otherwise the configuration is rejected.

Metadata associated with an endpoint contain arbitrary key value pairs which Filters can consult when processing packets (e.g they can contain information that determine whether or not to route a particular packet to an endpoint).

Specialist Endpoint Metadata

Access tokens that can be associated with an endpoint are simply a special piece of metadata well known to Quilkin and utilised by the built-in TokenRouter filter to route packets.

Such well known values are placed within an object in the endpoint metadata, under the special key quilkin.dev. Currently, only the tokens key is in use.

As an example, the following shows the configuration for an endpoint with its metadata:

  - endpoints:
    - address:
        canary: false
        quilkin.dev: # This object is extracted by Quilkin and is usually reserved for built-in features
            - MXg3aWp5Ng== # base64 for 1x7ijy6
            - OGdqM3YyaQ== # base64 for 8gj3v2i

An endpoint's metadata can be specified alongside the endpoint in static configuration or using the xDS endpoint metadata field when using dynamic configuration via xDS.


A session represents ongoing communication flow between a client on a [Local Port] and an Endpoint.

Quilkin uses the "Session" concept to track traffic flowing through the proxy between any client-server pair. A Session serves the same purpose, and can be thought of as a lightweight version of a TCP session in that, while a TCP session requires a protocol to establish and teardown:

  • A Quilkin session is automatically created upon receiving the first packet from a client via the [Local Port] to be sent to an upstream Endpoint.
  • The session is automatically deleted after a period of inactivity (where no packet was sent between either party) - currently 60 seconds.

A session is identified by the 4-tuple (client IP, client Port, server IP, server Port) where the client is the downstream endpoint which initiated the communication with Quilkin and the server is one of the upstream Endpoints that Quilkin proxies traffic to.

Sessions are established after the filter chain completes. The destination Endpoint of a packet is determined by the filter chain, so a Session can only be created after filter chain completion. For example, if the filter chain drops all packets, then no session will ever be created.

Configuration File

While much of Quilkin's proxy configuration can be configured via its command line interface, if you have a larger or more complex configuration it might be useful to use a configuration file instead.

The following is the schema and reference for Quilkin's proxy configuration file. See the examples folder for example configuration files.

By default, Quilkin will look for a configuration file named quilkin.yaml in its current running directory first, then if not present, in /etc/quilkin/quilkin.yaml on UNIX systems. This can be overridden with the -c/--config command-line argument, or the QUILKIN_FILENAME environment variable.

Static Configuration

Example of a full configuration for quilkin proxy that utlisies a static endpoint configuration to specify two endpoints with token metadata attached to each:

# Example configuration for a Quilkin Proxy with static Endpoints

version: v1alpha1
id: my-proxy # An identifier for the proxy instance.
clusters: # grouping of clusters
  - endpoints: # array of potential endpoints to send on traffic to
    - address:
      metadata: # Metadata associated with the endpoint
            - MXg3aWp5Ng== # the connection byte array to route to, encoded as base64 (string value: 1x7ijy6)
            - OGdqM3YyaQ== # (string value: 8gj3v2i)
    - address:
      metadata: # Metadata associated with the endpoint
            - bmt1eTcweA== # (string value: nkuy70x)

This is a great use of a static configuration file, as we only get a singular --to endpoint address via the command line arguments.

We can also configure Filters via the configuration file. See that section for documentation.

Dynamic Configuration

If you need to dynamically change either Filters and/or Endpoints at runtime, see the Control Plane documentation on the configuration API surface, and built in dynamic management providers.

Json Schema

The full JSON Schema for the YAML configuration file.

type: object
    type: string
    description: |
      The configuration file version to use.
      - v1alpha1
      type: string
      description: |
          An identifier for the proxy instance.
      default: On linux, the machine hostname is used as default. On all other platforms a UUID is generated for the proxy.
      type: integer
      description: |
          The listening port. In "proxy" mode, the port for traffic to be sent to. In "manage" mode, the port to connect to the xDS API.
      default: 7000
    type: string
    description: |
      The remote URL or local file path to retrieve the Maxmind database (requires licence).
    type: array
    description: |
      A filter chain.
      '$ref': {} # Refer to the Filter documentation for a filter configuration schema.
    type: array
    description: |
      grouping of endpoints, per cluster.
      type: object
          type: array
          description: |
            A list of upstream endpoints to forward packets to.
            type: object
            description: |
              An upstream endpoint
                type: string
                description: |
                  Socket address of the endpoint. This must be of the ´IP:Port` form e.g ``
                  type: object
                  description: |
                    Arbitrary key value pairs that is associated with the endpoint.
                    These are visible to Filters when processing packets and can be used to provide more context about endpoints (e.g whether or not to route a packet to an endpoint).
                    Keys must be of type string otherwise the configuration is rejected.
              - address

Packet Filters

In most cases, we would like Quilkin to do some preprocessing of received packets before sending them off to their destination. Because this stage is entirely specific to the use case at hand and differs between Quilkin deployments, we must have a say over what tweaks to perform - this is where filters come in.

Filters and Filter chain

A filter represents a step in the tweaking/decision-making process of how we would like to process our packets. For example, at some step, we might choose to append some metadata to every packet we receive before forwarding it while at a later step, choose not to forward packets that don't meet some criteria.

Quilkin lets us specify any number of filters and connect them in a sequence to form a packet processing pipeline similar to a Unix pipeline - we call this pipeline a Filter chain. The combination of filters and filter chain allows us to add new functionality to fit every scenario without changing Quilkin's core.

As an example, say we would like to perform the following steps in our processing pipeline to the packets we receive.

  • Append a predetermined byte to the packet.
  • Compress the packet.
  • Do not forward (drop) the packet if its compressed length is over 512 bytes.

We would create a filter corresponding to each step either by leveraging any existing filters that do what we want or writing one ourselves and connect them to form the following filter chain:

append | compress | drop

When Quilkin consults our filter chain, it feeds the received packet into append and forwards the packet it receives (if any) from drop - i.e the output of append becomes the input into compress and so on in that order.

There are a few things we note here:

  • Although we have in this example, a filter called drop, every filter in the filter chain has the same ability to drop or update a packet - if any filter drops a packet then no more work needs to be done regarding that packet so the next filter in the pipeline never has any knowledge that the dropped packet ever existed.

  • The filter chain is consulted for every received packet, and its filters are traversed in reverse order for packets travelling in the opposite direction. A packet received downstream will be fed into append and the result from drop is forwarded upstream - a packet received upstream will be fed into drop and the result from append is forwarded downstream.

  • Exactly one filter chain is specified and used to process all packets that flow through Quilkin.

Configuration Examples

// Wrap this example within an async main function since the
// local_rate_limit filter spawns a task on initialization
async fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.debug.v1alpha1.Debug
      id: debug-1
  - name: quilkin.filters.local_rate_limit.v1alpha1.LocalRateLimit
      max_packets: 10
      period: 1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 2);

We specify our filter chain in the .filters section of the proxy's configuration which has takes a sequence of FilterConfig objects. Each object describes all information necessary to create a single filter.

The above example creates a filter chain comprising a Debug filter followed by a LocalRateLimit filter - the effect is that every packet will be logged and the proxy will not forward more than 10 packets per second.

The sequence determines the filter chain order so its ordering matters - the chain starts with the filter corresponding the first filter config and ends with the filter corresponding the last filter config in the sequence.

Filter Dynamic Metadata

A filter within the filter chain can share data within another filter further along in the filter chain by propagating the desired data alongside the packet being processed. This enables sharing dynamic information at runtime, e.g information about the current packet that might be useful to other filters that process that packet.

At packet processing time each packet is associated with filter dynamic metadata (a set of key-value pairs). Each key is a unique string while its value is an associated quilkin::metadata::Value. When a filter processes a packet, it can choose to consult the associated dynamic metadata for more information or itself add/update or remove key-values from the set.

As an example, the built-in [CaptureBytes] filter is one such filter that populates a packet's filter metadata. [CaptureBytes] extracts information (a configurable byte sequence) from each packet and appends it to the packet's dynamic metadata for other filters to leverage. On the other hand, the built-in TokenRouter filter selects what endpoint to route a packet by consulting the packet's dynamic metadata for a routing token. Consequently, we can build a filter chain with a [CaptureBytes] filter preceeding a TokenRouter filter, both configured to write and read the same key in the dynamic metadata entry. The effect would be that packets are routed to upstream endpoints based on token information extracted from their contents.

Well Known Dynamic Metadata

The following metadata are currently used by Quilkin core and built-in filters.

quilkin.dev/capturedBytesThe default key under which the Capture filter puts the byte slices it extracts from each packet.

Built-in filters

Quilkin includes several filters out of the box.

CaptureCapture specific bytes from a packet and store them in filter dynamic metadata.
CompressCompress and decompress packets data.
ConcatenateAdd authentication tokens to packets.
DebugLogs every packet.
DropDrop all packets
FirewallAllowing/blocking traffic by IP and port.
LoadBalancerDistributes downstream packets among upstream endpoints.
LocalRateLimitLimit the frequency of packets.
MatchChange Filter behaviour based on dynamic metadata
PassAllow all packets through
TimestampAccepts a UNIX timestamp from metadata and observes the duration between that timestamp and now.
TokenRouterSend packets to endpoints based on metadata.


Represents configuration for a filter instance.

    type: string
    description: |
      Identifies the type of filter to be created.
      This value is unique for every filter type - please consult the documentation for the particular filter for this value.

    type: object
    description: |
      The configuration value to be passed onto the created filter.
      This is passed as an object value since it is specific to the filter's type and is validated by the filter
      implementation. Please consult the documentation for the particular filter for its schema.

required: [ 'name' ]


The Capture filter's job is to find a series of bytes within a packet, and capture it into Filter Dynamic Metadata, so that it can be utilised by filters further down the chain.

This is often used as a way of retrieving authentication tokens from a packet, and used in combination with Concatenate and TokenRouter filter to provide common packet routing utilities.

Capture strategies

There are multiple strategies for capturing bytes from the packet.


Captures bytes from the end of the packet.


Captures bytes from the start of the packet.


Captures bytes using a regular expression. Unlike other capture strategies, the regular expression can return one or many values if there are multiple matches.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
      metadataKey: myapp.com/myownkey
        size: 3
        remove: false
  - endpoints:
      - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
type: object
- metadata_key
- strategy
    description: The key to use when storing the captured value in the filter context. If a match was found it is available under `{{metadata_key}}/is_present`.
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Key'
    description: The capture strategy.
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Strategy'
    description: A key in the metadata table.
    type: string
    description: Strategy to apply for acquiring a set of bytes in the UDP packet
    - description: Looks for the set of bytes at the beginning of the packet
      type: object
      - kind
      - size
          type: string
          - PREFIX
          description: Whether captured bytes are removed from the original packet.
          default: false
          type: boolean
          description: The number of bytes to capture.
          type: integer
          format: uint32
          minimum: 0.0
    - description: Look for the set of bytes at the end of the packet
      type: object
      - kind
      - size
          type: string
          - SUFFIX
          description: The number of bytes to capture.
          default: false
          type: boolean
          description: Whether captured bytes are removed from the original packet.
          type: integer
          format: uint32
          minimum: 0.0
    - description: Look for the set of bytes at the end of the packet
      type: object
      - kind
      - pattern
          type: string
          - REGEX
          description: The regular expression to use for capture.
          type: string


The Compress filter's job is to provide a variety of compression implementations for compression and subsequent decompression of UDP data when sent between systems, such as a game client and game server.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.compress.v1alpha1.Compress
        on_read: COMPRESS
        on_write: DECOMPRESS
        mode: SNAPPY
  - endpoints:
    - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

The above example shows a proxy that could be used with a typical game client, where the original client data is sent to the local listening port and then compressed when heading up to a dedicated game server, and then decompressed when traffic is returned from the dedicated game server before being handed back to game client.

It is worth noting that since the Compress filter modifies the entire packet, it is worth paying special attention to the order it is placed in your Filter configuration. Most of the time it will likely be the first or last Filter configured to ensure it is compressing the entire set of data being sent.

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
type: object
- on_read
- on_write
    default: SNAPPY
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Mode'
    $ref: '#/definitions/Action'
    $ref: '#/definitions/Action'
    description: Whether to do nothing, compress or decompress the packet.
    type: string
    description: The library to use when compressing.
    type: string
    - SNAPPY
    - LZ4

Compression Modes


Snappy is a compression/decompression library. It does not aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library; instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression.

This compression method is provided by rust-snappy.

Due to the small size of packets, this only encodes and decodes the non-streaming version of the format described here.

- name: quilkin.filters.compress.v1alpha1.Compress
        on_read: COMPRESS
        on_write: DECOMPRESS
        mode: SNAPPY


LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed > 500 MB/s per core, scalable with multi-cores CPU. It features an extremely fast decoder, with speed in multiple GB/s per core, typically reaching RAM speed limits on multi-core systems.

This compression method is provided by lz4_flex.

Due to the small size of packets, this only encodes and decodes the block version of the format described. If your game client/server itself is performing LZ4 de/compression it needs to encode or decode a varint of the uncompressed packet size (maximum 2^16) since that is not part of the LZ4 block format. The varint is of the same exact form as that used by snappy.

- name: quilkin.filters.compress.v1alpha1.Compress
        on_read: COMPRESS
        on_write: DECOMPRESS
        mode: LZ4


  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{label="compressed_bytes_total"} Total number of compressed bytes either received or sent.
  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{label="decompressed_bytes_total"} Total number of decompressed bytes either received or sent.


The Concatenate filter's job is to add a byte packet to either the beginning or end of each UDP packet that passes through. This is commonly used to provide an auth token to each packet, so they can be routed appropriately.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.concatenate.v1alpha1.Concatenate
        on_read: APPEND
        on_write: DO_NOTHING
        bytes: MXg3aWp5Ng==
  - endpoints:
      - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: Config represents a `Concatenate` filter configuration.
type: object
- bytes
    type: array
      type: integer
      format: uint8
      minimum: 0.0
    description: Whether or not to `append` or `prepend` or `do nothing` on Filter `Read`
    default: DO_NOTHING
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Strategy'
    description: Whether or not to `append` or `prepend` or `do nothing` on Filter `Write`
    default: DO_NOTHING
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Strategy'
    type: string
    - APPEND


The Debug filter logs all incoming and outgoing packets to standard output.

This filter is useful in debugging deployments where the packets strictly contain valid UTF-8 encoded strings. A generic error message is instead logged if conversion from bytes to UTF-8 fails.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.debug.v1alpha1.Debug
      id: debug-1
  - endpoints:
      - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: A Debug filter's configuration.
type: object
    description: Identifier that will be optionally included with each log message.
    - string
    - 'null'


The Drop filter always drops any packet passed through it. This is useful in combination with conditional flow filters like Matches

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
    - address:
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
      metadataKey: myapp.com/token
        size: 3
        remove: false
  - name: quilkin.filters.match.v1alpha1.Match
        metadataKey: myapp.com/token
          - value: abc
            name: quilkin.filters.pass.v1alpha1.Pass
          name: quilkin.filters.drop.v1alpha1.Drop
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 2);


No defined configuration options.


The Firewall filter's job is to allow or block traffic depending on if the incoming traffic's IP and port matches the rules set on the Firewall filter.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.firewall.v1alpha1.Firewall
        - action: ALLOW
            - 10
            - 1000-7000
        - action: DENY
            - 7000
  - endpoints:
      - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: Represents how a Firewall filter is configured for read and write operations.
type: object
- on_read
- on_write
    type: array
      $ref: '#/definitions/Rule'
    type: array
      $ref: '#/definitions/Rule'
    description: Whether or not a matching [Rule] should Allow or Deny access
    - description: Matching rules will allow packets through.
      type: string
      - ALLOW
    - description: Matching rules will block packets.
      type: string
      - DENY
    description: Cidr notation for an ipv6 or ipv4 netmask
    type: string
    description: Range of matching ports that are configured against a [Rule].
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Range_of_uint16'
    type: object
    - end
    - start
        type: integer
        format: uint16
        minimum: 0.0
        type: integer
        format: uint16
        minimum: 0.0
    description: Combination of CIDR range, port range and action to take.
    type: object
    - action
    - ports
    - sources
        $ref: '#/definitions/Action'
        type: array
          $ref: '#/definitions/PortRange'
        description: ipv4 or ipv6 CIDR address.
        type: array
          $ref: '#/definitions/Cidr'

Rule Evaluation

The Firewall filter supports DENY and ALLOW actions for access control. When multiple DENY and ALLOW actions are used for a workload at the same time, the evaluation is processed in the order it is configured, with the first matching rule deciding if the request is allowed or denied:

  1. If a rule action is ALLOW, and it matches the request, then the entire request is allowed.
  2. If a rule action is DENY and it matches the request, then the entire request is denied.
  3. If none of the configured rules match, then the request is denied.


The LoadBalancer filter distributes packets received downstream among all upstream endpoints.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

async fn main() {
  let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.load_balancer.v1alpha1.LoadBalancer
      policy: ROUND_ROBIN
  - endpoints:
      - address:
  let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

The load balancing policy (the strategy to use to select what endpoint to send traffic to) is configurable. In the example above, packets will be distributed by selecting endpoints in turn, in round robin fashion.

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: The configuration for [`load_balancer`][super].
type: object
    default: ROUND_ROBIN
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Policy'
    description: Policy represents how a [`load_balancer`][super] distributes packets across endpoints.
    - description: Send packets to endpoints in turns.
      type: string
    - description: Send packets to endpoints chosen at random.
      type: string
      - RANDOM
    - description: Send packets to endpoints based on hash of source IP and port.
      type: string
      - HASH


The LocalRateLimit filter controls the frequency at which packets received downstream are forwarded upstream by the proxy. Rate limiting is done independently per source (IP, Port) combination.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

// Wrap this example within an async main function since the
// local_rate_limit filter spawns a task on initialization
async fn main() {
  let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.local_rate_limit.v1alpha1.LocalRateLimit
      max_packets: 1000
      period: 1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
  let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

To configure a rate limiter, we specify the maximum rate at which the proxy is allowed to forward packets. In the example above, we configured the proxy to forward a maximum of 1000 packets per second).

Be aware that due to some optimizations in the current rate limiter implementation, the enforced maximum number of packets is not always exact. It is in theory possible that the rate limiter allows a few packets through, however in practice this would be a rare occurrence and the maximum number of such packets that is in the worse case N-1 where N is the number of threads used to process packets. For example, a configuration allowing 1000 packets per second could potentially allow 1004 packets during some time window if we have up to 4 threads.

Packets that that exceeds the maximum configured rate are dropped.

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: Config represents a [self]'s configuration.
type: object
- max_packets
- period
    description: The maximum number of packets allowed to be forwarded by the rate limiter in a given duration.
    type: integer
    format: uint
    minimum: 0.0
    description: The duration in seconds during which max_packets applies. If none is provided, it defaults to one second.
    type: integer
    format: uint32
    minimum: 0.0


The Match filter's job is to provide a mechanism to change behaviour based on dynamic metadata. This filter behaves similarly to the match expression in Rust or switch statements in other languages.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
    - address:
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
      metadataKey: myapp.com/token
        size: 3
        remove: false
  - name: quilkin.filters.match.v1alpha1.Match
        metadataKey: myapp.com/token
          - value: abc
            name: quilkin.filters.pass.v1alpha1.Pass
          name: quilkin.filters.drop.v1alpha1.Drop
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 2);

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: Configuration for [`Match`][super::Match].
type: object
    description: Configuration for [`Filter::read`][crate::filters::Filter::read].
    - $ref: '#/definitions/DirectionalConfig'
    - type: 'null'
    description: Configuration for [`Filter::write`][crate::filters::Filter::write].
    - $ref: '#/definitions/DirectionalConfig'
    - type: 'null'
additionalProperties: false
    description: A specific match branch. The filter is run when `value` matches the value defined in `metadata_key`.
    type: object
    - name
    - value
      config: true
        - string
        - 'null'
        type: string
        description: The value to compare against the dynamic metadata.
        - $ref: '#/definitions/Value'
    description: Configuration for a specific direction.
    type: object
    - branches
    - metadataKey
        description: List of filters to compare and potentially run if any match.
        type: array
          $ref: '#/definitions/Branch'
        description: The behaviour for when none of the `branches` match.
          config: null
          label: null
          name: quilkin.filters.drop.v1alpha1.Drop
        - $ref: '#/definitions/Filter'
        description: The key for the metadata to compare against.
        - $ref: '#/definitions/Key'
    description: Filter is the configuration for a single filter
    type: object
    - name
      config: true
        - string
        - 'null'
        type: string
    additionalProperties: false
    description: A key in the metadata table.
    type: string
    - type: boolean
    - type: integer
      format: uint64
      minimum: 0.0
    - type: array
        $ref: '#/definitions/Value'
    - type: string
    - type: array
        type: integer
        format: uint8
        minimum: 0.0

View the Match filter documentation for more details.


  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{label="packets_matched_total"} A counter of the total number of packets where the dynamic metadata matches a branch value.
  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{label="packets_fallthrough_total"} A counter of the total number of packets that are processed by the fallthrough configuration.


The Pass filter that always passes any packet through it. This is useful in combination with conditional flow filters like Matches

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
    - address:
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
      metadataKey: myapp.com/token
        size: 3
        remove: false
  - name: quilkin.filters.match.v1alpha1.Match
        metadataKey: myapp.com/token
          - value: abc
            name: quilkin.filters.pass.v1alpha1.Pass
          name: quilkin.filters.drop.v1alpha1.Drop
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 2);


No defined configuration options.


The Timestamp filter accepts a UNIX timestamp from metadata and observes the duration between that timestamp and now. Mostly useful in combination with other filters such as Capture to pull timestamp data from packets.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
      metadataKey: example.com/session_duration
        size: 3
        remove: false
  - name: quilkin.filters.timestamp.v1alpha1.Timestamp
        metadataKey: example.com/session_duration
  - endpoints:
    - address:
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
description: Config represents a [self]'s configuration.
type: object
- metadataKey
    description: The metadata key to read the UTC UNIX Timestamp from.
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Key'
    description: A key in the metadata table.
    type: string


  • quilkin_filter_histogram{label="duration"} A histogram of durations from metadata_key to now in the packet direction.


The TokenRouter filter's job is to provide a mechanism to declare which Endpoints a packet should be sent to.

This Filter provides this functionality by comparing a byte array token found in the Filter Dynamic Metadata from a previous Filter, and comparing it to Endpoint's tokens, and sending packets to those Endpoints only if there is a match.

Filter name


Configuration Examples

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter
        metadataKey: myapp.com/myownkey
  - endpoints:
    - address:
            - MXg3aWp5Ng== # Authentication is provided by these ids, and matched against
            - OGdqM3YyaQ== # the value stored in Filter dynamic metadata
    - address:
            - bmt1eTcweA==
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

View the CaptureBytes filter documentation for more details.

Configuration Options (Rust Doc)

$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
title: Config
type: object
    description: the key to use when retrieving the token from the Filter's dynamic metadata
    default: quilkin.dev/capture
    - $ref: '#/definitions/Key'
    description: A key in the metadata table.
    type: string


  • quilkin_filter_TokenRouter_packets_dropped_total A counter of the total number of packets that have been dropped. This is also provided with a Reason label, as there are differing reasons for packets to be dropped:
    • NoEndpointMatch - The token provided via the Filter dynamic metadata does not match any Endpoint's tokens.
    • NoTokenFound - No token has been found in the Filter dynamic metadata.
    • InvalidToken - The data found for the token in the Filter dynamic metadata is not of the correct data type (Vec)

Sample Applications

Packet Authentication

In combination with several other filters, the TokenRouter can be utilised as an authentication and access control mechanism for all incoming packets.

Capturing the authentication token from an incoming packet can be implemented via the CaptureByte filter, with an example outlined below, or any other filter that populates the configured dynamic metadata key for the authentication token to reside.

It is assumed that the endpoint tokens that are used for authentication are generated by an external system, are appropriately cryptographically random and sent to each proxy securely.

For example, a configuration would look like:

fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture # Capture and remove the authentication token
          size: 3
          remove: true
  - name: quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter
  - endpoints:
    - address:
            - MXg3aWp5Ng== # Authentication is provided by these ids, and matched against
            - OGdqM3YyaQ== # the value stored in Filter dynamic metadata
    - address:
             - bmt1eTcweA==
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 2);

On the game client side the Concatenate filter could also be used to add authentication tokens to outgoing packets.

Writing Custom Filters

The full source code used in this example can be found in examples/.

Quilkin provides an extensible implementation of Filters that allows us to plug in custom implementations to fit our needs. This document provides an overview of the API and how we can go about writing our own Filters. First we need to create a type and implement two traits for it.

It's not terribly important what the filter in this example does so let's write a Greet filter that appends Hello to every packet in one direction and Goodbye to packets in the opposite direction.

struct Greet;

As a convention within Quilkin: Filter names are singular, they also tend to be a verb, rather than an adjective.


  • Greet not "Greets"
  • Compress not "Compressor".


Represents the actual Filter instance in the pipeline. An implementation provides a read and a write method (both are passthrough by default) that accepts a context object and returns a response.

Both methods are invoked by the proxy when it consults the filter chain read is invoked when a packet is received on the local downstream port and is to be sent to an upstream endpoint while write is invoked in the opposite direction when a packet is received from an upstream endpoint and is to be sent to a downstream client.

struct Greet;
use quilkin::filters::prelude::*;

/// Appends data to each packet
impl Filter for Greet {
    async fn read(&self, ctx: &mut ReadContext) -> Result<(), FilterError> {
    async fn write(&self, ctx: &mut WriteContext) -> Result<(), FilterError> {


Represents metadata needed for your [Filter], most of it has to with defining configuration, for now we can use () as we have no configuration currently.

use quilkin::filters::prelude::*;
struct Greet;
impl Filter for Greet {}
impl StaticFilter for Greet {
    const NAME: &'static str = "greet.v1";
    type Configuration = ();
    type BinaryConfiguration = ();

    fn try_from_config(config: Option<Self::Configuration>) -> Result<Self, CreationError> {


We can run the proxy using Proxy::run function. Let's add a main function that does that. Quilkin relies on the Tokio async runtime, so we need to import that crate and wrap our main function with it.

We can also register custom filters in quilkin using FilterRegistry::register

Add Tokio as a dependency in Cargo.toml.

quilkin = "0.2.0"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"]}

Add a main function that starts the proxy.

// src/main.rs
async fn main() -> quilkin::Result<()> {

    let (_shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = quilkin::make_shutdown_channel(quilkin::ShutdownKind::Normal);
    let proxy = quilkin::Proxy::default();
    let config = quilkin::Config::default_non_agent();
        quilkin::filters::FilterChain::try_create([quilkin::config::Filter {
            name: Greet::NAME.into(),
            label: None,
            config: None,
    config.clusters.modify(|map| {
                (std::net::Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 4321).into(),

        .run(config.into(), Default::default(), None, shutdown_rx)

Now, let's try out the proxy. The following configuration starts our extended version of the proxy at port 7777 and forwards all packets to an upstream server at port 4321.

# quilkin.yaml
version: v1alpha1
  - name: greet.v1
  - endpoints:
      - address:

Next we to setup our network of services, for this example we're going to use the netcat tool to spawn a UDP echo server and interactive client for us to send packets over the wire.

# Start the proxy
cargo run -- &
# Start a UDP listening server on the configured port
nc -lu 4321 &
# Start an interactive UDP client that sends packet to the proxy
nc -u 7777

Whatever we pass to the client should now show up with our modification on the listening server's standard output. For example typing Quilkin in the client prints Hello Quilkin on the server.


Let's extend the Greet filter to have a configuration that contains what greeting to use.

The Serde crate is used to describe static YAML configuration in code while Tonic/Prost is used to describe dynamic configuration as Protobuf messages when talking to a management server.

YAML Configuration

First let's create the type for our configuration:

  1. Add the yaml parsing crates to Cargo.toml:
# [dependencies]
serde = "1.0"
serde_yaml = "0.8"
  1. Define a struct representing the config:
// src/main.rs
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, schemars::JsonSchema)]
struct Config {
    greeting: String,
  1. Update the Greet Filter to take in greeting as a parameter:
// src/main.rs
struct Greet {
    config: Config,

impl Filter for Greet {
    async fn read(&self, ctx: &mut ReadContext) -> Result<(), FilterError> {
            .prepend_from_slice(format!("{} ", self.config.greeting).as_bytes());
    async fn write(&self, ctx: &mut WriteContext) -> Result<(), FilterError> {
            .prepend_from_slice(format!("{} ", self.config.greeting).as_bytes());

Protobuf Configuration

Quilkin comes with out-of-the-box support for xDS management, and as such needs to communicate filter configuration over Protobuf with management servers and clients to synchronise state across the network. So let's add the binary version of our Greet configuration.

  1. Add the proto parsing crates to Cargo.toml:
# ...
tonic = "0.5.0"
prost = "0.7"
prost-types = "0.7"
  1. Create a Protobuf equivalent of our YAML configuration.
// src/greet.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package greet;

message Greet {
  string greeting = 1;
  1. Generate Rust code from the proto file:

Use something like proto-gen to generate Rust code for the protobuf.

At that point it is just normal rust code and can be included from where you placed the generated code, eg. generated.

mod generated;
use generated::greet as proto;

At build time

There are a few ways to generate Prost code from proto, we will use the prost_build crate in this example.

Add the following required crates to Cargo.toml, and then add a build script to generate the following Rust code during compilation:

# [dependencies]
bytes = "1.0"

# [build-dependencies]
prost-build = "0.7"
// src/build.rs
fn main() {
    // Remove if you already have `protoc` installed in your system.
    std::env::set_var("PROTOC", protobuf_src::protoc());

    prost_build::compile_protos(&["src/greet.proto"], &["src/"]).unwrap();

To include the generated code, we'll use [tonic::include_proto].

// src/main.rs
#[allow(warnings, clippy::all)]
// ANCHOR: include_proto
mod proto {
  1. Then we just need to implement std::convert::TryFrom for converting the protobuf message to equivalent configuration.
// src/main.rs
impl TryFrom<proto::Greet> for Config {
    type Error = ConvertProtoConfigError;

    fn try_from(p: proto::Greet) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(Self {
            greeting: p.greeting,

impl From<Config> for proto::Greet {
    fn from(config: Config) -> Self {
        Self {
            greeting: config.greeting,

Now, let's update Greet's StaticFilter implementation to use the two configurations.

// src/main.rs
use quilkin::filters::StaticFilter;

impl StaticFilter for Greet {
    const NAME: &'static str = "greet.v1";
    type Configuration = Config;
    type BinaryConfiguration = proto::Greet;

    fn try_from_config(config: Option<Self::Configuration>) -> Result<Self, CreationError> {
        Ok(Self {
            config: Self::ensure_config_exists(config)?,

That's it! With these changes we have wired up static configuration for our filter. Try it out with the following configuration:

# quilkin.yaml
version: v1alpha1
port: 7001
- name: greet.v1
    greeting: Hey
- address:

Quilkin Control Message Protocol (QCMP)


In addition to the TCP based administration API, Quilkin provides a meta API over UDP and TCP. The purpose of this API is to provide meta operations that can be used by untrusted clients. Currently the API is focuses on providing pings for latency measurement but that may change overtime as new features are added.


The main functionality currently in QCMP is pinging, measuring the latency from one service to another over UDP. You can also measure the distance locally using the quilkin qcmp ping command.

quilkin qcmp ping

Protocol Data Unit

The following is a Kaitai Struct configuration of the protocol data unit accepted by Quilkin proxies.

  id: quilkin_packet
  endian: be
  - id: magic_header
    contents: "QLKN"
  - id: protocol_version
    type: u1
  - id: packet_type
    type: u1
  - id: packet_length
    type: u2
  - id: packet
    size: packet_length
      switch-on: packet_type
        0: ping_packet
        1: ping_reply_packet

    doc: |
        Sent by a client to a proxy containing the time when the client sent the
        packet along with a unique nonce. The timestamp should be a UTC unix
        timestamp in **nanoseconds**.
      - id: nonce
        type: u1
      - id: client_sent_timestamp
        type: u8

    doc: |
        A reply from a proxy containing the ping's nonce, the client sent time,
        the server's receive time, and the server's sent time. The timestamps
        should be UTC unix timestamps in **nanoseconds**.
      - id: nonce
        type: u1
      - id: client_sent_timestamp
        type: u8
      - id: server_receive_timestamp
        type: u8
      - id: server_sent_timestamp
        type: u8

Datacenter Latency

In addition to being able to ping Quilkin to get the latency between the client and proxy. In order to allow clients to send information to services like a matchmaker about which datacentre they are closest to, Quilkin also includes the ability to get a proxy's latency to each of its connected datacentres.

Note: This requires a multi-cluster relay setup, as when you set up proxies in the same cluster as gameservers, this measurement is redundant.

All that is required to set this up is to provide an ICAO code to the agent in the gameserver cluster. (E.g. through the environment variable ICAO_CODE). No further setup is required. You can use duplicate ICAO codes, Quilkin will choose the best result amongst the duplicates to return. Quilkin assumes that multiple of the same ICAO code refer to the same phyiscal datacentre, so latency between them should negible.

Why ICAO? ICAO is an international standard for airport codes, airport codes are an easy human readable code that makes it easy to use geo-visualisations in tools like Grafana, and easily allows grouping. IATA codes only cover major airports, ICAO codes cover practically every airport making them easy to more accurately represent the location of any datacentre.

API And Schema

Currently the datacentre latency can be retrieved by sending a GET / HTTP request to the QCMP port.

The returned data is a JSON object with each key being the ICAO code for the datacentre, and the value being the latency in nanoseconds.

Proxy Metrics

The following are metrics that Quilkin provides while in Proxy Mode.

ASN Maxmind Information

If Quilkin is provided a a MaxmindDB GeoIP database, Quilkin will log the following information in the maxmind information log, as well as populate the following fields in any metrics with matching labels.

asnASN Number
organizationThe organisation responsible for the ASN
country_codeThe corresponding country code
ip_prefixThe IP prefix CIDR address
prefix_entityThe name of the entity for the prefix address
prefix_nameThe name of the prefix address

Maxmind databases often require a licence and/or fee, so they aren't included by default with Quilkin.

General Metrics

The proxy exposes the following general metrics:

  • quilkin_packets_processing_duration_seconds{event, asn, ip_prefix} (Histogram)

    The total duration of time in seconds that it took to process a packet.

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_packets_dropped_total{reason, asn, ip_prefix} (Counter)

    The total number of packets (not associated with any session) that were dropped by proxy. Not that packets reflected by this metric were dropped at an earlier stage before they were associated with any session. For session based metrics, see the list of session metrics instead.

    • reason = NoConfiguredEndpoints
      • NoConfiguredEndpoints: No upstream endpoints were available to send the packet to. This can occur e.g if the endpoints cluster was scaled down to zero and the proxy is configured via a control plane.
  • quilkin_cluster_active

    The number of currently active clusters.

  • quilkin_cluster_active_endpoints

    The number of currently active upstream endpoints. Note that this tracks the number of endpoints that the proxy knows of rather than those that it is connected to (see Session Metrics instead for those)

  • quilkin_bytes_total{event, asn, ip_prefix}

    The total number of bytes sent or recieved

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_packets_total{event, asn, ip_prefix}

    The total number of packets sent or recieved.

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_packet_jitter{event, asn, ip_prefix}

    The time between receiving new packets.

  • quilkin_errors_total{event, asn, ip_prefix}

    The total number of errors encountered while reading a packet from the upstream endpoint.

Session Metrics

The proxy exposes the following metrics around sessions:

  • quilkin_session_active{asn, organization, country_code, ip_prefix, prefix_entity, prefix_name}

    The number of currently active sessions. If a maxmind database has been provided, the labels are populated:

    • The asn label is the ASN number of the connecting client.
    • The ip_prefixlabel is the IP prefix of the connecting client.
  • quilkin_session_duration_secs (Histogram)

    A histogram over how long sessions lasted before they were torn down. Note that, by definition, active sessions are not included in this metric.

  • quilkin_session_total (Counter)

    The total number of sessions that have been created.

Filter Metrics

Quilkin's filters use a set of generic metric keys, to make it easier to build visualisations that can account for a dynamic set of filters that can be added, removed, or updated at runtime with different configurations. All of these metrics share a common set of labels.

idThe ID of the filter that used the metric.
labelThe name of the metric being measured.
helpThe description of the filter metric.
directionThe direction of packet flow (e.g. read/write).
  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{id, label, help, direction} Generic filter counter, see help label for more specific info.

  • quilkin_filter_histogram{id, label, help, direction, shared_metadata_1} generic filter histogram, see help label for more specific info.

  • quilkin_filter_read_duration_seconds{filter}

    The duration it took for a filter's read implementation to execute.

    • Thefilter label is the name of the filter being executed.
  • quilkin_filter_write_duration_seconds{filter}

    The duration it took for a filter's write implementation to execute.

    • The filter label is the name of the filter being executed.

xDS Control Plane

xDS7800gRPC (IPv4 OR IPv6)

For single-cluster integration, Quilkin provides a manage service, that can be used with a number of configuration discovery providers to provide cluster configuration multiple proxys. With each provider automating the complexity of a full xDS management control plane via integrations with popular projects and common architecture patterns.

To view all the providers and options for the manage subcommand, run:

$ quilkin manage --help
Runs Quilkin as a xDS management server, using `provider` as a configuration source

Usage: quilkin manage [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  agones  Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints, and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration
  file    Watches for changes to the file located at `path`
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -r, --relay <RELAY>        One or more `quilkin relay` endpoints to push configuration changes to [env: QUILKIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVER=]
  -p, --port <PORT>          The TCP port to listen to, to serve discovery responses [env: QUILKIN_PORT=] [default: 7800]
      --region <REGION>      The `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_REGION=]
      --zone <ZONE>          The `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_ZONE=]
      --sub-zone <SUB_ZONE>  The `sub_zone` in the `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_SUB_ZONE=]
  -h, --help                 Print help


In addition to static configuration provided upon startup, a Quiklin proxy's configuration can also be updated at runtime. The proxy can be configured on startup to talk to a set of management servers which provide it with updates throughout its lifecycle.

Communication between the proxy and management server uses the xDS gRPC protocol, similar to an envoy proxy. xDS is one of the standard configuration mechanisms for software proxies and as a result, Quilkin can be setup to discover configuration resources from any API compatible server. Also, given that the protocol is well specified, it is similarly straight-forward to implement a custom server to suit any deployment's needs.

As described within the xDS-api documentation, the xDS API comprises a set of resource discovery APIs, each serving a specific set of configuration resource types, while the protocol itself comes in several variants. Quilkin implements the Aggregated Discovery Service (ADS) Incremental xDS variant with gRPC.

xDS Configuration Resources

Heavily influenced by xDS's Cluster Discovery Service, Endpoint Discovery Service, and Listener Discovery Service, Quilkin utilises its own custom Configuration xDS resources (reference) to enable dynamic configuration of Datacenters, Clusters, Endpoints and Filters through the Aggregated Discovery Service.

This above reference also provides documentation for all the ProtoBuf definitions for all Filters that are available in Quilkin.

Connecting to an xDS management server

Connecting a Quilkin proxy to an xDS management server can be implemented via providing one or more URLs to the management_servers command line.

xDS Metrics

Proxy Mode

Quilkin exposes the following metrics around the management servers and its resources when running as a UDP Proxy:

  • quilkin_xds_connected_state (Gauge)

    A boolean that indicates whether or not the proxy is currently connected to a management server. A value 1 means that the proxy is connected while 0 means that it is not connected to any server at that point in time.

  • quilkin_xds_update_attempt_total (Counter)

    The total number of attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server.

  • quilkin_xds_update_success_total (Counter)

    The total number of successful attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server and was successfully applied by the proxy.

  • quilkin_xds_update_failure_total (Counter)

    The total number of unsuccessful attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server and was rejected by the proxy (e.g due to a bad/inconsistent configuration).

  • quilkin_xds_requests_total (Counter)

    The total number of DiscoveryRequests made by the proxy to management servers. This tracks messages flowing in the direction from the proxy to the management server.

xDS Provider Mode

The following metrics are exposed when Quilkin is running as an xDS provider.

  • quilkin_management_server_connected_proxies (Gauge)

    The number of proxies currently connected to the server.

  • quilkin_management_server_discovery_requests_total{request_type} (Counter)

    The total number of xDS Discovery requests received across all proxies.

    • request_type = type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster | type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.endpoint.v3.ClusterLoadAssignment | type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener Type URL of the requested resource
  • quilkin_management_server_discovery_responses_total (Counter)

    The total number of xDS Discovery responses sent back across all proxies in response to Discovery Requests. Each Discovery response sent corresponds to a configuration update for some proxy.

    • request_type = type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster | type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.endpoint.v3.ClusterLoadAssignment | type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener Type URL of the requested resource
  • quilkin_management_server_endpoints_total (Gauge)

    The number of active endpoints discovered by the server. The number of active endpoints correlates with the size of the cluster configuration update sent to proxies.

  • quilkin_management_server_snapshot_generation_errors_total (Counter)

    The total number of errors encountered while generating a configuration snapshot update for a proxy.

  • quilkin_management_server_snapshots_generated_total (Counter)

    The total number of configuration snapshot generated across all proxies. A snapshot corresponds to a point in time view of a proxy's configuration. However it does not necessarily correspond to a proxy update - a proxy only gets the latest snapshot so it might miss intermediate snapshots if it lags behind.

  • quilkin_management_server_snapshots_cache_size (Gauge)

    The current number of snapshots in the in-memory snapshot cache. This corresponds 1-1 to proxies that connect to the server. However the number may be slightly higher than the number of connected proxies since snapshots for disconnected proxies are only periodically cleared from the cache.

Agones xDS Provider

The Agones xDS Provider is built to simplify Quilkin integration with Agones game server hosting on top of Kubernetes.

This provider watches for changes in Agones GameServer resources in a cluster, and utilises that information to provide Endpoint information to connected Quilkin proxies.

To view all the options for the agones provider subcommand, run:

$ quilkin manage agones --help
Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints, and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration

Usage: quilkin manage agones [OPTIONS]

  -c, --config-namespace <CONFIG_NAMESPACE>
          The namespace under which the configmap is stored [env: QUILKIN_AGONES_CONFIG_NAMESPACE=]
  -g, --gameservers-namespace <GAMESERVERS_NAMESPACE>
          The namespace under which the game servers run [env: QUILKIN_AGONES_GAMESERVERS_NAMESPACE=] [default: default]
  -h, --help
          Print help

Currently, the Agones provider can only discover resources within the cluster it is running in.

Endpoint Configuration

This provider watches the Kubernetes clusters for Allocated Agones GameServers and exposes their IP address and Port as Endpoints to any connected Quilkin proxies.

Since an Agones GameServer can have multiple ports exposed, if multiple ports are in use, the server will pick the first port in the port list.

By default the Agones xDS provider will look in the default namespace for any GameServer resources, but it can be configured via the --gameservers-namespace argument.

Access Tokens

The set of access tokens for the associated Endpoint can be set by adding a comma separated standard base64 encoded strings. This must be added under an annotation quilkin.dev/tokens in the GameServer's metadata.

For example:

   # Sets two tokens for the corresponding endpoint with values 1x7ijy6 and 8gj3v2i respectively.
   quilkin.dev/tokens: MXg3aWp5Ng==,OGdqM3YyaQ==

Filter Configuration

The Agones provider watches for a singular ConfigMap that has the label of quilkin.dev/configmap: "true", and any changes that happen to it, and use its contents to send Filter configuration to any connected Quilkin proxies.

The ConfigMap contents should be a valid Quilkin file configuration, but with no Endpoint data.

For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: quilkin-xds-filter-config
    quilkin.dev/configmap: "true"
  quilkin.yaml: |
    version: v1alpha1
      - name: quilkin.filters.capture.v1alpha1.Capture
            size: 3
            remove: true
      - name: quilkin.filters.token_router.v1alpha1.TokenRouter

By default the Agones xDS provider will look in the default namespace for this ConfigMap, but it can be configured via the --config-namespace argument.


As an example, the following runs the server with subcommnad manage agones against a cluster (using default kubeconfig authentication) where Quilkin pods run in the quilkin namespace and GameServer pods run in the gameservers namespace:

quilkin manage agones --config-namespace quilkin --gameservers-namespace gameservers

For a full referenmce of deploying this provider in a Kubernetes cluster, with appropriate Deployments, Services, and RBAC Rules, there is an Agones, xDS and Xonotic example.

Filesystem xDS Provider

The filesystem provider watches a configuration file on disk and sends updates to proxies whenever that file changes.

To view all the options for the file provider subcommand, run:

$ quilkin manage agones --help
Watches for changes to the file located at `path`

Usage: quilkin manage file <PATH>

  <PATH>  The path to the source config [env: QUILKIN_FS_PATH=]

  -h, --help  Print help

For example:

quilkin manage file quilkin.yaml

We run this on port 1800, in this example, in case you are running this locally, and the default port is taken up by an existing Quilkin proxy.

After running this command, any proxy that connects to port 18000 will receive updates as configured in config.yaml file.

You can find the configuration file schema in Configuration File.


fn main() {
let yaml = "
version: v1alpha1
  - name: quilkin.filters.debug.v1alpha1.Debug
      id: hello
  - endpoints:
     - address:
             - 'MXg3aWp5Ng=='
let config = quilkin::config::Config::from_reader(yaml.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.filters.load().len(), 1);

Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




The Manager Discovery Service provides an RPC for a management service to upstream its configuration to a relay service. This RPC works essentially the same as xDS, except instead of the client connecting to the server to receive configuration, the client is connecting to the server send its configuration.

This service enables the relay to merge the configuration of all currently live management servers as a single aggregated xDS server without the relay needing to maintain a list of xDS servers to connect to in the relay itself.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
StreamAggregatedResources.envoy.service.discovery.v3.DiscoveryResponse stream.envoy.service.discovery.v3.DiscoveryRequest streamThis RPC is not supported but remains here as part of the xDS standard, as Quilkin only uses a delta configuration transport for performance reasons.
DeltaAggregatedResources.envoy.service.discovery.v3.DeltaDiscoveryResponse stream.envoy.service.discovery.v3.DeltaDiscoveryRequest streamDelta (Incremental) xDS implementation



































































































Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
int32Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
uint32Uses variable-length encoding.uint32intint/longuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64Uses variable-length encoding.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
fixed32Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.uint32intintuint32uintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.uint64longint/longuint64ulonginteger/stringBignum
sfixed32Always four bytes.int32intintint32intintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64Always eight bytes.int64longint/longint64longinteger/stringBignum
stringA string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.stringStringstr/unicodestringstringstringString (UTF-8)
bytesMay contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.stringByteStringstr[]byteByteStringstringString (ASCII-8BIT)

Control Plane Relay

ADS7800gRPC(IPv4 OR IPv6)
CPDS7900gRPC(IPv4 OR IPv6)

Note: This service is currently in active experimentation and development so there may be bugs which cause it to be unusable for production, as always all bug reports are welcome and appreciated.

For multi-cluster integration, Quilkin provides a relay service, that can be used with a multiple control plane services in different clusters to provide a unified "Aggregated Discovery Service" endpoint for proxy services.

To connect to a control plane to a relay, add the --relay flag to your control plane with the address of the relay. Then to connect a proxy service to the relay's ADS endpoint, you use the same --management-server argument for connecting to control planes.

To view all options for the relay subcommand, run:

$ quilkin relay --help
Runs Quilkin as a relay service that runs a Manager Discovery Service (mDS) for accepting cluster and configuration information from xDS management services, and exposing it as a single merged xDS service for proxy services

Usage: quilkin relay [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  agones  Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints, and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration
  file    Watches for changes to the file located at `path`
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -m, --mds-port <MDS_PORT>
          Port for mDS service [env: QUILKIN_MDS_PORT=] [default: 7900]
  -x, --xds-port <XDS_PORT>
          Port for xDS management_server service [env: QUILKIN_PORT=] [default: 7800]
      --idle-request-interval-secs <IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL_SECS>
          The interval in seconds at which the relay will send a discovery request to an management server after receiving no updates [env: QUILKIN_IDLE_REQUEST_INTERVAL_SECS=]
  -h, --help
          Print help

Each sub-control planes (file, agones, etc) matches the quilkin manage providers capabilities. Have a look at each of the Control Plane > Providers documentation for integration details.


To get started with the relay service we need to start the relay service, and then setup our configuration source. For this we're going to the built-in relay client in the control plane service to forward information to the relay. For this demo we'll use the file provider for the control plane, but this example works with any configuration provider.

# quilkin.yaml
version: v1alpha1
  - endpoints:
    - address:

To start the relay, run the relay command:

quilkin relay 

To spawn the control plane and have the control plane send its configuration, we need to run the manage command with the --relay flag with the address of the relay of the relay server we just spawned which is at port 7900 by default. We're also going to set --admin-address and --port flags to avoid port collision with the relay's admin and xds endpoints.

quilkin --admin-address http://localhost:8001 \
    manage \
    --port 7801 \
    --relay http://localhost:7900 \
    file quilkin.yaml

Now if we run cURL on both the relay and the control plane we should see that they both contain the same set of endpoints.

# Check Control Plane
curl localhost:8001/config
# Check Relay
curl localhost:8000/config

Since the relay service also exposes a aDS control plane endpoint, that represents the merged set of all sources, to connect this to the proxy all we have to do is use the same --management-server flag that we use to specify the location of control planes, then the proxies will be able to pull configuration from the relay.

quilkin --admin-address http://localhost:8002 proxy --management-server

We can also additionally add a second control plane source to the relay, which will be merged with our control plane's configuration to create a singular set of data that the proxies can query using xDS discovery requests.

# quilkin2.yaml
version: v1alpha1
  - endpoints:
    - address:
quilkin --admin-address http://localhost:8003 \
    manage \
    --port 7802 \
    --relay http://localhost:7900 \
    file quilkin.yaml

And that's it! We've just setup control planes to look for configuration changes in our system, a relay to merge any changes into a unified dataset, and set up proxies that make use of that data to decide where and how to send packets.

Quilkin Agent


For multi-cluster integration, Quilkin provides a agent service, that can be deployed to a cluster to act as a beacon for QCMP pings and forward cluster configuration information to a relay service.

Agent configuration sources matches that of the Management Server, such as Filesystem and Agones.

To view all options for the agent subcommand, run:

$ quilkin agent --help
Runs Quilkin as a relay service that runs a Manager Discovery Service (mDS) for accepting cluster and configuration information from xDS management services, and exposing it as a single merged xDS service for proxy services

Usage: quilkin agent [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  agones  Watches Agones' game server CRDs for `Allocated` game server endpoints, and for a `ConfigMap` that specifies the filter configuration
  file    Watches for changes to the file located at `path`
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -q, --qcmp-port <QCMP_PORT>        Port for QCMP service [env: QCMP_PORT=] [default: 7600]
  -r, --relay <RELAY>                One or more `quilkin relay` endpoints to push configuration changes to [env: QUILKIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVER=]
      --region <REGION>              The `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_REGION=]
      --zone <ZONE>                  The `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_ZONE=]
      --sub-zone <SUB_ZONE>          The `sub_zone` in the `zone` in the `region` to set in the cluster map for any provider endpoints discovered [env: QUILKIN_SUB_ZONE=]
      --address-type <ADDRESS_TYPE>  If specified, filters the available gameserver addresses to the one that matches the specified type
      --ip-kind <IP_KIND>            If specified, additionally filters the gameserver address by its ip kind [possible values: v4, v6, any]
  -i, --icao-code <ICAO_CODE>        The ICAO code for the agent [env: ICAO_CODE=] [default: XXXX]
  -h, --help                         Print help


The simplest version of the agent service is just running quilkin agent, this will setup just the QCMP service allowing the agent to be pinged for measuring round-time-trips (RTT).

quilkin agent

To run an agent with the relay (see relay quickstart for more information), you just need to specify the relay endpoint with the --relay flag and provide a configuration discovery provider such as a configuration file or Agones.

quilkin --admin-adress http://localhost:8001 agent --relay http://localhost:7900 file quilkin.yaml

Now if we run cURL on both the relay and the control plane we should see that they both contain the same set of endpoints.

# Check Agent
curl localhost:8001/config
# Check Relay
curl localhost:8000/config

Quilkin Unreal Engine Plugin

This is an unreal engine 5 plugin for Quilkin, a UDP proxy for gameservers. The plugin provides several features that you can use with Quilkin deployments, such as proxying game traffic, and latency measurement.

You can also find guide level documentation on how the proxy works in the Quilkin Book.


Copy this plugin to your Plugins folder in your Engine directory.


Static configuration is available in the editor through UQuilkinDeveloperSettings in "Project Settings".

Dynamic configuration is available through UQuilkinConfigSubsystem, it is initialised from the settings provided in UQuilkinDeveloperSettings, but can also be updated in code, and users can bind individual properties to delegates allowing them to dynamically set based on custom logic.

  • bool Enabled Whether the plugin will attach a versioned routing token to UDP packets to allow load balancers forward traffic to the correct gameserver. This also requires the address the clients connect to be a Quilkin load balancer, if connected directly to a gameserver the client will be rejected.
  • bool EnabledInPie By default Enabled is disabled in editor to prevent interfering with local clients and gameservers, you can override this behaviour by also enabling EnabledInPie.
  • TArray<uint8> RoutingToken The routing token representing the gameserver a client wants to reach, the token must be 16 bytes exactly. Currently the plugin only supports using Enabled with a routing token to create the following layout. It is assumed that the routing token would come from an external service, such as a matchmaking system.
<packet> | token    | version
 X bytes | 16 bytes | 1 byte
  • TArray<FQuilkinEndpoint> Endpoints A set of Quilkin load balancer endpoints that can be used for the following features.
  • bool MeasureEndpoints When enabled, the plugin will start a new Tick task that executes at a fixed interval (currently 30 seconds), where it will spawn a new background task that will ping each endpoint in Endpoints, and track its measurement in a fixed size circular buffer. Pings are handled through Quilkin Control Message Protocol, this is a bespoke protocol for UDP to be able to support situations where for example using ICMP is not possible, see the Quilkin Book for more details on the protocol data unit. Note MeasureEndpoints is orthogonal to Enabled and UseEndpoints meaning that you can use MeasureEndpoints for latency measurements without being required to also use Quilkin for game traffic.
  • bool UseEndpoints Whether to use Endpoints for game traffic. When enabled, instead of using the provided FInternetAddr, the plugin will choose the lowest latency endpoint available and send traffic through that endpoint to connect to the gameserver, and if the latency should exceed JitterThreshold then the plugin will attempt to redirect traffic to the next available endpoint with the lowest latency.


Quilkin exposes a number of delegates to be able to access certain information, they can be accessed through the FQuilkinDelegates class.

  • GetQuilkinEndpointMeasurements returns TArray<EndpointPair> representing each endpoint set in Endpoints with their median latency. The array will be empty if no endpoints have been set and MeasureEndpoints is not enabled.

  • GetLowestLatencyEndpoint returns TOptional<EndpointPair> is a specialisation of GetQuilkinEndpointMeasurements returning the lowest latency endpoint and its median latency. The delegate will return None if the array is empty and MeasureEndpoints is not enabled.


Administration8000HTTP (IPv4 OR IPv6)


By default, Quilkin will log INFO level events, you can change this by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable. See log documentation for more advanced usage.

If you are debugging Quilkin set the RUST_LOG environment variable to quilkin=trace, to filter trace level logging to only Quilkin components.

Verbose logging in Quilkin will affect performance considerably, so we recommend only turning it on for debugging purposes.


Quilkin exposes an HTTP interface to query different aspects of the server.

It is assumed that the administration interface will only ever be able to be accessible on localhost.

By default, the administration interface is bound to [::]:8000, but it can be configured with the --admin-address CLI flag or the QUILKIN_ADMIN_ADDRESS environment.


The admin interface provides the following endpoints:


This provides a liveness probe endpoint, most commonly used in Kubernetes based systems.

Liveness is defined as "hasn't panicked", as long as the process has not panicked quilkin is considered live.


This provides a readiness probe endpoint, most commonly used in Kubernetes based systems.

Readiness is service and provider specific, so based on what you're running there will be different criteria for a service to be considered ready. Here's a list of the criteria for each service an provider.

ProxyManagement server is connected (or always true if config is static) OR if there is more than one endpoint configured
ManageProvider is ready
RelayProvider is ready
AgentProvider is ready AND connected to relay

AgonesThe service is connected to kube-api
FileThe service has found and watches the file

When setting thresholds for your proxy probes, you generally want to set a low check period (e.g. periodSeconds=1) and a low success threshold (e.g. successThreshold=1), but a high failureThreshold (e.g. failureThreshold=60) and terminationGracePeriodSeconds to allow for backoff attempts and existing player sessions to continue without disruption.

Proxy Mode

Will return an HTTP status of 200 when there is at least one endpoint to send data to. This is primarily to ensure that new proxies that have yet to get configuration information from an xDS server aren't send data until they are fully populated.

xDS Provider Mode

Will return an HTTP status of 200 when all health checks pass.


Outputs Prometheus formatted metrics for this instance.

See the Proxy Metrics documentation for what proxy metrics are available.

See the xDS Metrics documentation for what xDS metrics are available.

Heap Allocation Metrics

Quilkin exposes the following metrics on heap allocations, which are useful for performance observability:

  • quilkin_allocation_bytes_total (Counter)

    The total number of allocated bytes.

  • quilkin_allocation_total (Counter)

    The total number of allocations.

  • quilkin_extant_allocation_size (Gauge)

    The current total of extant allocation bytes.

  • quilkin_extant_allocation_count (Gauge)

    The current number of extant allocations"


This provides a endpoint to profile Quilkin's performance. You can use with any system which supports pprof output such as Pyroscope.

This requires setting up a writable /tmp directory in the Quilkin container. E.g.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
        - name: quilkin
        # ...Other container configuration...
            - mountPath: /tmp
              name: tmp
              subPath: tmp
        - name: tmp
            medium: Memory
            sizeLimit: 64Mi


Returns a JSON representation of the cluster and filterchain configuration that the instance is running with at the time of invocation.

Quilkin Integration Examples

The Quilkin proxy can be integrated with your dedicated game servers in several ways, each providing different capabilities and complexity tradeoffs.

Below captures several of the most useful and prevalent architectural patterns to give you inspiration on how you can use Quilkin in your multiplayer game networking architecture.

These examples as well many others are available on Github repository.

Server Proxy as a Sidecar

┌─────────┐       |          ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
│  Game   │       |          │ Quilkin        │ │ Dedicated      │
│  Client ◄──────────────────► (Server Proxy) │ │ Game Server    │
└─────────┘       |          │                ◄─►                │
                  |          └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘
                  |          ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
                  |          │ Quilkin        │ │ Dedicated      │
                  |          │ (Server Proxy) │ │ Game Server    │
                  |          │                ◄─►                │
                  |          └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘

This is the simplest integration and configuration option with Quilkin, but does provide the smallest number of possible feature implementations and ability to provide redundancy.

That being said, this is a low risk way to integrate Quilkin, and take advantage of the out-of-the-box telemetry and metric information that comes with Quilkin.

  • In this example, the Server proxy is running alongside the dedicated game server - on the same public IP/machine/container.
    • This is often referred to as a sidecar pattern.
  • Communication between the Server Proxy and the Dedicated Game Server occurs over the localhost network, with a separate port for each Game Client connection.
  • Clients connect to the Server Proxy's public port/IP combination, and the Server Proxy routes all traffic directly to the dedicated game server.
  • The Server Proxy can still use filters such as rate limiting, compression, firewall rules, etc as long as the Game Client conforms to the standard protocols utilised by those filters as appropriate.

Client Proxy to Sidecar Server Proxy

┌─────────┐    ┌────────────────┐   |        ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
│  Game   │    │ Quilkin        │   |        │ Quilkin        │ │ Dedicated      │
│  Client ◄────► (Client Proxy) ◄────────────► (Server Proxy) │ │ Game Server    │
└─────────┘    └────────────────┘   |        │                ◄─►                │
                                    |        └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘
                                    |        ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
                                    |        │ Quilkin        │ │ Dedicated      │
                                    |        │ (Server Proxy) │ │ Game Server    │
                                    |        │                ◄─►                │
                                    |        └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘

This example is the same as the above, but puts a Client Proxy between the Game Client, and the Server Proxy to take advantage of Client Proxy functionality.

  • The Client Proxy may be integrated as a standalone binary, directly into the client with communication occurring over a localhost port or it may be possible utlise one of our client SDKs such as Unreal Engine.
  • The Client Proxy can now utilise filters, such as compression, without having to change the Game Client.
  • The Game Client will need to communicate to the Client Proxy what IP it should connect to when the Client is match-made with a Game Server.

Client Proxy to Separate Server Proxies Pools

                                       |                             |
                                       |                             |
                                    Internet                      Private
                                       |                          Network
                                       |     ┌────────────────┐      |       ┌────────────────┐
                                       |     │ Quilkin        │      |       │ Dedicated      │
                                       |  ┌──► (Server Proxy) ◄──────────┬───► Game Server    │
┌─────────┐      ┌────────────────┐    |  │  │                │      |   │   │                │
│  Game   │      │ Quilkin        ◄───────┤  └────────────────┘      |   │   └────────────────┘
│  Client ◄──────► (Client Proxy) │    |  │                          |   │
└─────────┘      └────────────────┘    |  │  ┌────────────────┐      |   │   ┌────────────────┐
                                       |  │  │ Quilkin        │      |   │   │ Dedicated      │
                                       |  └──► (Server Proxy) ◄──────────┘   │ Game Server    │
                                       |     │                │      |       │                │
                                       |     └────────────────┘      |       └────────────────┘
                                       |                             |
                                       |     ┌────────────────┐      |       ┌────────────────┐
                                       |     │ Quilkin        │      |       │ Dedicated      │
                                       |     │ (Server Proxy) │      |       │ Game Server    │
                                       |     │                │      |       │                │
                                       |     └────────────────┘      |       └────────────────┘
                                       |                 ▲           |              ▲
                                                         │                          │
                                                         │              ┌───────────┴────┐
                                                         │              │ xDS            │
                                                         └──────────────┤ Control Plane  │

This is the most complex configuration, but enables the most reuse of Quilkin's functionality, while also providing the most redundancy and security for your dedicated game servers.

  • The Game client sends and receives packets from the Quilkin client proxy.
  • The Client Proxy may be integrated as a standalone binary, with communication occurring over a localhost port, or it could be integrated directly with the game client as a library, or the client could utilise one of our [client SDKs] if Rust integration is not possible.
  • The Client Proxy can utilise the full set of filters, such as concatenation (for routing), compression or load balancing, without having to change the Game Client.
  • A hosted set of Quilkin Server proxies that have public IP addresses, are connected to an xDS Control Plane to coordinate routing and access control to the dedicated game servers, which are on private IP addresses.
  • The Client Proxy is made aware of one or more Server proxies to connect to, possibly via their Game Client matchmaker or another service, with an authentication token to pass to the Server proxies, such that the UDP packets can be routed correctly to the dedicated game server they should connect to.
  • Dedicated game servers receive traffic as per normal from the Server Proxies, and send data back to the proxies directly.
  • If the dedicated game server always expects traffic from only a single ip/port combination for client connection, then traffic will always need to be sent through a single Server Proxy. Otherwise, UDP packets can be load balanced via the Client Proxy to multiple Server Proxies for even greater redundancy.

What Next?

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Third Party Videos and Presentations

GDC 2023: Open Source Game Development Summit: Agones and Quilkin: OSS Multiplayer Game Server Service Mesh on Kubernetes

Presentation recording

(Does not require GDCVault access to watch)

Previous talks have looked at two open source projects: Agones, the platform for orchestrating and scaling dedicated multiplayer game servers on top of Kubernetes, and Quilkin, an extensible UDP proxy specifically built for protecting, observing and authenticating game server communications.

On the surface this seems like a very powerful combination, but manually integrating the two can be a tricky and intimidating process. You need to know and understand the Kubernetes API and its client libraries, and then tie it into Quilkin's xDS compliant API implementation all through some custom code - which is a large and complex amount of work (and a lot of acronyms).

In this talk, Mark Mandel, Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, will look at how anyone can utilize Quilkin's native Agones integration to provide a turnkey solution for proxying UDP traffic to game servers providing an extra layer of protection and observability when orchestrating game servers on top of Kubernetes.