Proxy Metrics

The following are metrics that Quilkin provides while in Proxy Mode.

ASN Maxmind Information

If Quilkin is provided a a MaxmindDB GeoIP database, Quilkin will log the following information in the maxmind information log, as well provide metrics that use the following fields as labels.

numberASN Number
organizationThe organisation responsible for the ASN
country_codeThe corresponding country code
prefixThe IP prefix CIDR address
prefix_entityThe name of the entity for the prefix address
prefix_nameThe name of the prefix address

Maxmind databases often require a licence and/or fee, so they aren't included by default with Quilkin.

General Metrics

The proxy exposes the following general metrics:

  • quilkin_packets_processing_duration_seconds{event} (Histogram)

    The total duration of time in seconds that it took to process a packet.

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_packets_dropped_total{reason} (Counter)

    The total number of packets (not associated with any session) that were dropped by proxy. Not that packets reflected by this metric were dropped at an earlier stage before they were associated with any session. For session based metrics, see the list of session metrics instead.

    • reason = NoConfiguredEndpoints
      • NoConfiguredEndpoints: No upstream endpoints were available to send the packet to. This can occur e.g if the endpoints cluster was scaled down to zero and the proxy is configured via a control plane.
  • quilkin_cluster_active

    The number of currently active clusters.

  • quilkin_cluster_active_endpoints

    The number of currently active upstream endpoints. Note that this tracks the number of endpoints that the proxy knows of rather than those that it is connected to (see Session Metrics instead for those)

  • quilkin_bytes_total{event}

    The total number of bytes sent or recieved

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_packets_total{event}

    The total number of packets sent or recieved.

    • The event label is either:
      • read: when the proxy receives data from a downstream connection on the listening port.
      • write: when the proxy sends data to a downstream connection via the listening port.
  • quilkin_errors_total{event}

    The total number of errors encountered while reading a packet from the upstream endpoint.

Session Metrics

The proxy exposes the following metrics around sessions:

  • quilkin_session_active{asn}{ip_prefix}

    The number of currently active sessions. If a maxmind database has been provided, the labels are populated:

    • The asn label is the ASN number of the connecting client.
    • The ip_prefixlabel is the IP prefix of the connecting client.
  • quilkin_session_duration_secs (Histogram)

    A histogram over how long sessions lasted before they were torn down. Note that, by definition, active sessions are not included in this metric.

  • quilkin_session_total (Counter)

    The total number of sessions that have been created.

Filter Metrics

Quilkin's filters use a set of generic metric keys, to make it easier to build visualisations that can account for a dynamic set of filters that can be added, removed, or updated at runtime with different configurations. All of these metrics share a common set of labels.

idThe ID of the filter that used the metric.
labelThe name of the metric being measured.
helpThe description of the filter metric.
directionThe direction of packet flow (e.g. read/write).
  • quilkin_filter_int_counter{id, label, help, direction} Generic filter counter, see help label for more specific info.

  • quilkin_filter_histogram{id, label, help, direction, shared_metadata_1} generic filter histogram, see help label for more specific info.

  • quilkin_filter_read_duration_seconds{filter}

    The duration it took for a filter's read implementation to execute.

    • Thefilter label is the name of the filter being executed.
  • quilkin_filter_write_duration_seconds{filter}

    The duration it took for a filter's write implementation to execute.

    • The filter label is the name of the filter being executed.