Proxy Mode

The "proxy mode" is the primary mode of operation for Quilkin, wherein it acts as a non-transparent UDP proxy.

This is driven by Quilkin being executed via the proxy subcommand.

To view all the options for the proxy subcommand, run:

$ quilkin proxy --help
Run Quilkin as a UDP reverse proxy

Usage: quilkin proxy [OPTIONS]

  -m, --management-server <MANAGEMENT_SERVER>
          One or more `quilkin manage` endpoints to listen to for config changes [env: QUILKIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVER=]
      --mmdb <MMDB>
          The remote URL or local file path to retrieve the Maxmind database [env: MMDB=]
  -p, --port <PORT>
          The port to listen on [env: QUILKIN_PORT=]
  -t, --to <TO>
          One or more socket addresses to forward packets to [env: QUILKIN_DEST=]
  -h, --help
          Print help information