pub trait StaticFilter: Filter + Sizedwhere
    Error: From<<Self::Configuration as TryFrom<Self::BinaryConfiguration>>::Error> + From<<Self::BinaryConfiguration as TryFrom<Self::Configuration>>::Error>,
{ type Configuration: JsonSchema + Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + TryFrom<Self::BinaryConfiguration>; type BinaryConfiguration: Message + Default + TryFrom<Self::Configuration> + Send + Sync + Sized; const NAME: &'static str; fn try_from_config(
        config: Option<Self::Configuration>
    ) -> Result<Self, Error>; fn from_config(config: Option<Self::Configuration>) -> Self { ... } fn factory() -> DynFilterFactory
        Self: 'static
, { ... } fn ensure_config_exists(
        config: Option<Self::Configuration>
    ) -> Result<Self::Configuration, Error> { ... } fn as_filter_config(
        config: impl Into<Option<Self::Configuration>>
    ) -> Result<Filter, Error> { ... } }
Expand description

Statically safe version of Filter, if you’re writing a Rust filter, you should implement StaticFilter in addition to Filter, as StaticFilter guarantees all of the required properties through the type system, allowing Quilkin take care of the virtual table boilerplate automatically at compile-time.

use quilkin::filters::prelude::*;

struct Greet;

impl Filter for Greet {
    fn read(&self, ctx: &mut ReadContext) -> Option<()> {
        ctx.contents.splice(0..0, b"Hello ".into_iter().copied());
    fn write(&self, ctx: &mut WriteContext) -> Option<()> {
        ctx.contents.splice(0..0, b"Goodbye ".into_iter().copied());

impl StaticFilter for Greet {
    const NAME: &'static str = "greet.v1";
    type Configuration = ();
    type BinaryConfiguration = ();

    fn try_from_config(_: Option<Self::Configuration>) -> Result<Self, quilkin::filters::Error> {

Required Associated Types

The human-readable configuration of the filter. Must be serde compatible, have a JSON schema, and be convertible to and from Self::BinaryConfiguration.

The binary configuration of the filter. Must be prost compatible, and be convertible to and from Self::Configuration.

Required Associated Constants

The globally unique name of the filter.

Required Methods

Instantiates a new StaticFilter from the given configuration, if any.


If the provided configuration is invalid.

Provided Methods

Instantiates a new StaticFilter from the given configuration, if any.


If the provided configuration is invalid.

Creates a new dynamic FilterFactory virtual table.

Convenience method for providing a consistent error message for filters which require a fully initialized Self::Configuration.
