Dynamic Configuration using xDS Management Servers

In addition to static configuration provided upon startup, a Quiklin proxy's configuration can also be updated at runtime. The proxy can be configured on startup to talk to a set of management servers which provide it with updates throughout its lifecycle.

Communication between the proxy and management server uses the xDS gRPC protocol, similar to an envoy proxy. xDS is one of the standard configuration mechanisms for software proxies and as a result, Quilkin can be setup to discover configuration resources from any API compatible server. Also, given that the protocol is well specified, it is similarly straight-forward to implement a custom server to suit any deployment's needs.

The go-control-plane project provides production ready implementations of the API on top of which custom servers can be built relatively easily.

As described within the xDS-api documentation, the xDS API comprises a set of resource discovery APIs, each serving a specific set of configuration resource types, while the protocol itself comes in several variants. Quilkin implements the Aggregated Discovery Service (ADS) State of the World (SotW) variant with gRPC.

Sample Control Plane Implementation

A sample control plane can be found here, with both a demo project that uses a configuration file as its data source, as well as an opinionated integration with Agones game server orchestration framework.

Supported APIs

Since the range of resources configurable by the xDS API extends that of Quilkin's domain (i.e being UDP based, Quilkin does not have a need for HTTP/TCP resources), only a subset of the API is supported. The following lists these relevant parts and any limitation to the provided support as a result:

  • Cluster Discovery Service (CDS): Provides information about known clusters and their membership information.

    • The proxy uses these resources to discover clusters and their endpoints.
    • While cluster topology information like locality can be provided in the configuration, the proxy currently does not use this information (support may be included in the future however).
    • Any load balancing information included in this resource is ignored. For load balancing, use Quilkin filters instead.
    • Only cluster discovery type STATIC and EDS is supported. Configuration including other discovery types e.g LOGICAL_DNS is rejected.
  • Endpoint Discovery Service (EDS): Provides information about endpoints.

    • The proxy uses these resources to discover information about endpoints like their IP addresses.
    • Endpoints may provide Endpoint Metadata via the metadata field. These metadata will be visible to filters as part of the corresponding endpoints information when processing packets.
    • Only socket addresses are supported on an endpoint's address configuration - i.e an IP address and port number combination. Configuration including any other type of addressing e.g named pipes will be rejected.
    • Any load balancing information included in this resource is ignored. For load balancing, use Quilkin filters instead.
  • Listener Discovery Service (LDS): Provides information about Filters and Filter Chains.

    • Only the name and filter_chains fields in the Listener resource are used by the proxy. The rest are ignored.
    • Since Quilkin only uses one filter chain per proxy, at most one filter chain can be provided in the resource. Otherwise the configuration is rejected.
    • Only the list of filters specified in the filter chain is used by the proxy - i.e other fields like filter_chain_match are ignored. This list also specifies the order that the corresponding filter chain will be constructed.
    • gRPC proto configuration for Quilkin's built-in filters can be found here. They are equivalent to the filter's static configuration.


Quilkin exposes the following metrics around the management servers and its resources:

  • quilkin_xds_connected_state (Gauge)

    A boolean that indicates whether or not the proxy is currently connected to a management server. A value 1 means that the proxy is connected while 0 means that it is not connected to any server at that point in time.

  • quilkin_xds_update_attempt_total (Counter)

    The total number of attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server.

  • quilkin_xds_update_success_total (Counter)

    The total number of successful attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server and was successfully applied by the proxy.

  • quilkin_xds_update_failure_total (Counter)

    The total number of unsuccessful attempts made by a management server to configure the proxy. This is equivalent to the total number of configuration updates received by the proxy from a management server and was rejected by the proxy (e.g due to a bad/inconsistent configuration).

  • quilkin_xds_requests_total (Counter)

    The total number of DiscoveryRequests made by the proxy to management servers. This tracks messages flowing in the direction from the proxy to the management server.